Home Buyers – Why Move to Arlington, Virginia

For over 10 years I lived in a fantastic place in America...Phoenix, AZ.  It was summer all the time, a lot of outdoor activities, and if you are an avid golfer...HEAVEN!  About 3.5 months ago I moved to the Washington DC area and am adjusting nicely.  If you read my blogs you know that [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:59-04:00September 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Home Buyers – Why Move to Arlington, Virginia

Real Estate Marketing – Why Your Facebook Marketing Doesn’t Work

Facebook.  I have an account...you probably have an account as do your friends/family? There are roughly 1 Billion users worldwide.  That is unbelievable!  Take into account that China has its own Social Media site so Facebook is rarely used there so that means roughly 20% of ALL the people in the world have a [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:00-04:00September 18th, 2012|Comments Off on Real Estate Marketing – Why Your Facebook Marketing Doesn’t Work

Real Estate Marketing – Why You Should Target Renters

Do you feel it?  You know...the Real Estate market making a BIG SHIFT.  The pendulum has surely swung the other way.  For the last 3-5 years ever since the economic meltdown home values have dropped and many people lost their homes due to a foreclosure or short sale forcing them to rent.  The market [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:22-04:00September 17th, 2012|Comments Off on Real Estate Marketing – Why You Should Target Renters

Real Estate Agents – Why You Should Stop Counting on Referrals

Referrals...we all love them.  When someone tells another person about your services and why they should use you.  It is the least expensive way to generate business in the Real Estate space.  We all can agree that if we could run our entire business models on this way of generating business there would be [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:23-04:00September 5th, 2012|Comments Off on Real Estate Agents – Why You Should Stop Counting on Referrals