Tips to Dominate your Real Estate Farm in 2023

Looking to dominate your real estate farm in 2023? Farming is a great way to generate listings in your subdivision, school district, or specific geographic area. The issue is many Realtors are not successful with farming and that's for a variety of reasons. Farming can be a long game in generating business, but it [...]

2022-12-30T16:40:21-05:00December 30th, 2022|Comments Off on Tips to Dominate your Real Estate Farm in 2023

Do These 4 Things to Grow your Real Estate Database

Having a strong database has always been important, but maybe not as important as it is right now. With the real estate market essentially doing a 180 over the course of 7 months, shoring up those strong relationships is a must, but so is adding new people to grow your real estate database all [...]

2022-12-30T15:47:33-05:00December 30th, 2022|Comments Off on Do These 4 Things to Grow your Real Estate Database