Best WordPress Plugins for Real Estate You’re Not Using

One of the beauties of using a great platform for your website/blog like WordPress is the many Plugins that it has available.  If you are thinking "what the heck is a plugin?"  I will tell you.  A plugin is like a application for your smartphone.  The app store allows you to download all kinds [...]

2022-06-08T09:21:16-04:00May 8th, 2014|Comments Off on Best WordPress Plugins for Real Estate You’re Not Using

Top 3 Real Estate Marketing Questions I was asked in September 2013 normally I write about specific things as to HOW to do this or WHY to do that but as you know from reading my blogs I get questions from Realtors and Lenders every single day.  Many times they are the same questions so I thought I would start a new thing where I [...]

2022-06-08T09:24:42-04:00October 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Top 3 Real Estate Marketing Questions I was asked in September 2013

Why You Should Be Blogging in Real Estate

What are the first things that come to mind when I say "Blogging in Real Estate?"  You might think UGH!  Takes too long!  What do I write about? Its just another thing I have to do...I don't want to!  All of these objections are common and it is typically what I hear when I [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:57-04:00October 3rd, 2012|Comments Off on Why You Should Be Blogging in Real Estate

How to Write an Effective Real Estate Blog Post

I think that we can all agree that technology has come to the forefront on basically anything that we now do.  This applies especially to the Real Estate space.  Realtors are told that they are to have websites.  They are told that they are to have effective content that answers questions to their potential [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:26-04:00August 22nd, 2012|Comments Off on How to Write an Effective Real Estate Blog Post