What a Title Insurance Sales Rep Should Mean to a Realtor

I was meeting with someone last week and he said: “If Title Companies stopped bringing bagels and donuts to Realtor offices, bakeries would go out of business!” We had a chuckle but the more I thought about it, then I agreed with him. In many markets around the country, the Title Insurance Sales Rep behaves [...]

2022-06-08T09:17:57-04:00February 10th, 2016|Comments Off on What a Title Insurance Sales Rep Should Mean to a Realtor

CFPB Information – Will the New Mortgage Disclosures Delay my Closing?

Getting up to date CFPB information is a good thing, especially when it comes from your trusted Title Company partner. Stewart Title has taken the lead in our industry at educating our Realtor and Lender partners on this issue that will effect everyone starting October 3rd 2015.  Usually on this website I'm creating all [...]

2022-06-08T09:18:45-04:00June 5th, 2015|Comments Off on CFPB Information – Will the New Mortgage Disclosures Delay my Closing?