Can Real Estate Agents Be Forced to Use Certain Vendors?

We have seen it many times…the managing real estate broker or office manager pushing hard for their agents to use certain vendors. Myself, have dealt with this when an agent says, “Wade, sorry…I wanted to send you the business but my office manager told me to use the Title Company where our office has [...]

2022-06-08T09:17:05-04:00March 7th, 2017|Comments Off on Can Real Estate Agents Be Forced to Use Certain Vendors?

The Scary Issue Title Companies are Seeing with TRID Closings

We are now 6+ weeks into the new TRID/CFPB regulations, and Stewart Title is starting to have a steady stream of TRID closings.  Many of the TRID closings have gone smooth and several still within the 30-35 day window lenders usually need.  Those are the good things.  The not so good things, are loan [...]

2022-06-08T09:18:05-04:00November 19th, 2015|Comments Off on The Scary Issue Title Companies are Seeing with TRID Closings

Top Reasons to Work with Stewart Title after TRID begins October 3rd

The CFPB/TRID regulations are almost here…are you ready?  Educated?  Many of us are, some of us need to learn more about the upcoming changes and how it will affect their business going forward.  Stewart Title (Nationally) and our local offices have been on the forefront of the CFPB for quite some time.  I remember [...]

2022-06-08T09:18:35-04:00September 29th, 2015|Comments Off on Top Reasons to Work with Stewart Title after TRID begins October 3rd

Set These 5 Real Estate Goals in the Second Half of 2015

July is here.  That means “Half-Time” of the 2015 real estate year!  Have you met the real estate goals you have set? (hope you did).  Right around now is the time where Realtors and Lenders hit me up to help them “create more business.” Not because they haven’t had a successful year up to [...]

2022-06-08T09:18:43-04:00June 30th, 2015|Comments Off on Set These 5 Real Estate Goals in the Second Half of 2015

3 Signs You Should Switch Your Title Company Relationship

Most real estate agents and mortgage lenders have some sort of Title Company relationship.  Some are stronger and more loyal than others, some of these relationships are due to a joint venture or Market Service Agreement. But are all Title Companies the same? Definitely not! Just like not all real estate brokerages are the [...]

2022-06-08T09:19:17-04:00April 15th, 2015|Comments Off on 3 Signs You Should Switch Your Title Company Relationship

Real Estate Joint Ventures – Are you Safe from the CFPB?

I don't want the title of this blog to scare you but at the same time the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) is out and about looking at Real Estate Companies, Title Companies, and Mortgage Lenders.  What are they looking for?  They are looking for suspicious and illegal activity that would warrant a fine, [...]

2022-06-08T09:19:37-04:00September 19th, 2014|Comments Off on Real Estate Joint Ventures – Are you Safe from the CFPB?

CFPB Proposed Rule Changes – How it Affects You!

The CFPB Proposed Rule Changes are here and the way we do business is going to be different...we think anyway.  What is the CFPB anyway?  CFPB stands for "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau." Another way of getting your attention as a Realtor or Mortgage lender is to say..."Did you know the HUD-1 is going away?"  [...]

2022-06-08T09:24:44-04:00October 3rd, 2013|Comments Off on CFPB Proposed Rule Changes – How it Affects You!