Is Neglecting Your Real Estate Database Killing Your Business?

Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last seven months, you would know that a little thing called COVID-19 has caused our real estate world to get flipped on its head--and in a good way. Crazy enough, a horrible pandemic has created the most insane market many of us have ever seen. [...]

2022-06-08T09:11:33-04:00September 23rd, 2020|Comments Off on Is Neglecting Your Real Estate Database Killing Your Business?

Are You Losing Real Estate Business Because of Social Media?

We are entering the time of year where we find out that “Bob” who we always liked has some really interesting political and social views. We learn about “Cheryl” who continually posts political meme’s over and over that she thinks is great, but lets everyone know she might not be a good person to [...]

2022-06-08T09:11:34-04:00August 13th, 2020|Comments Off on Are You Losing Real Estate Business Because of Social Media?

What’s Going On With Electronic Real Estate Closings?

If you are reading this and wondering during the age of COVID, why every real estate closing isn’t being done electronically, you are not alone. The technology has been in place for quite some time, and in my company’s case, since early 2018. I remember it being a huge craze and us ramping up [...]

2022-06-08T09:11:36-04:00July 21st, 2020|Comments Off on What’s Going On With Electronic Real Estate Closings?