The Best Direct Mail Marketing Tactic for Realtors

Direct mail marketing isn't dead. Many real estate agents around the country have massive success with direct mail marketing pieces. There is a reason for this. They send their direct mail to very specific audiences so that means very specific messages. They also have another trick up their sleeve, and that is they don't [...]

2024-01-28T17:50:13-05:00January 24th, 2024|Comments Off on The Best Direct Mail Marketing Tactic for Realtors

3 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Real Estate Next Year

We are all looking for ways to run our businesses more efficiently.  We want to save time, make more money, and also have time to enjoy our families.  That is the goal anyway.  In many instances that balance is way out of whack and we spend a lot of time doing things that make [...]

2022-06-08T09:19:31-04:00November 26th, 2014|Comments Off on 3 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Real Estate Next Year

Best Uses of Direct Mail Marketing in Real Estate

Direct mail marketing has been around for a very long time.  Pretty much since the postal service has been doing their job.  It was the main medium to get a message or advertisement to the front steps and into the hands of the consumer.  In many ways it can still be very effective to [...]

2022-06-08T09:24:23-04:00March 6th, 2014|Comments Off on Best Uses of Direct Mail Marketing in Real Estate