Real Estate Marketing-5 Reasons Why Realtors Don’t Get Found Online

Harsh title to this blog huh?  Sorry about that but it had to be done.  Every day I meet with Northern Virginia and Washington DC Real Estate agents and help them with their Real Estate Marketing.  All facets of their marketing not just the technology side, but in the end it always come back [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:01-04:00April 19th, 2013|Comments Off on Real Estate Marketing-5 Reasons Why Realtors Don’t Get Found Online

Real Estate Marketing for 2013… Just like “Field of Dreams”

The Field of Dreams…remember that movie? The one with Kevin Costner in Iowa (where I am from) and he hears these voices that say “Build it and he will come”? Then Kevin Costner proceeds to destroy a chunk of his crops and everyone around him thinks he is crazy for doing such a thing! [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:44-04:00December 19th, 2012|Comments Off on Real Estate Marketing for 2013… Just like “Field of Dreams”