How a Title Rep Got 3 Million Views to their Instagram Reel

A few weeks ago, I created an Instagram reel that got this Title rep around 3 Million views. I wasn't expecting the reel to go "viral" and hit that many people around the country and other parts of the world--but it did. As of this article's writing, I've added around 500 followers and [...]

2024-10-01T09:41:38-04:00September 30th, 2024|Comments Off on How a Title Rep Got 3 Million Views to their Instagram Reel

How Realtors Can Make their Instagram Reels Worth Watching

You have been shooting your Instagram reels the wrong way. Sorry, but it's true. Consumers watch Instagram reels mostly for entertainment and knowledge. The knowledge piece is for a narrower audience and the entertainment is for a broader audience. Many Realtors create informative reels about good topics, but the problem is they are boring [...]

2024-07-12T12:04:17-04:00July 12th, 2024|Comments Off on How Realtors Can Make their Instagram Reels Worth Watching