Title Company’s need to learn how to shift their behavior too. This section covers all aspects of Title Company Marketing.

Why Your Real Estate Joint Venture is Costing you Money

The real estate joint venture has been a fact of life ever since I started in the Title business. No matter the state, these agreements are everywhere. Some are set up legally; others come into serious question. Nonetheless, Title reps must deal with these obstacles to obtain business. What Realtors don't always comprehend [...]

2025-01-27T20:14:28-05:00January 27th, 2025|Comments Off on Why Your Real Estate Joint Venture is Costing you Money

Ask These Questions Before Accepting a Title Sales Rep Position

There are a portion of the Title Sales reps who reach out to me who are about to take the job or have just started.  Once I start asking specific questions about the expectations laid upon them, the compensation plan, and their 60-90-day ramp-up goals, many are at a loss for words. These Title [...]

2024-02-20T20:29:08-05:00February 20th, 2024|Comments Off on Ask These Questions Before Accepting a Title Sales Rep Position

Why Title Companies Aren’t Really Title Companies…Anymore

If you are a Title Company owner or have decision-making powers at some level in 2023, you might notice that the thing you used to talk about and sell, is becoming the last thing you talk about and sell. I remember when part of a Title rep's elevator speech was about how great their [...]

2023-05-22T20:10:43-04:00May 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on Why Title Companies Aren’t Really Title Companies…Anymore

3 Ways to Maximize your Title Company Relationship

Having been in the Title business since 2005 and in two major real estate markets let’s just say I’ve seen most things in this business.  Realtors and lenders leverage their Title Company relationship in different ways. Some leverage the relationship far more than others. Others don’t know how to leverage the relationship at all. [...]

2023-05-05T21:34:43-04:00May 5th, 2023|Comments Off on 3 Ways to Maximize your Title Company Relationship

My Worst Day in the Title Insurance Sales Business

If you have been following along on my blog and video journey since 2012 on this website or read my articles in NOVA/DC Real Producers Magazine, you may look at me in a certain way. Maybe you see me as an expert in the Title Insurance Sales business or someone who has always been [...]

2023-03-27T21:59:09-04:00March 27th, 2023|Comments Off on My Worst Day in the Title Insurance Sales Business

4 Title Sales Rep Success Strategies in a Shifting Market

The hangover from the party of 2020 through most of 2022 is here. Having spoken about Title Sales rep success strategies to many Title Companies around the country, I have heard of 4-day work weeks, furloughs, and even people selling their eggs (yes, those eggs) to make money. Essentially, some pretty drastic stuff is [...]

2023-02-03T18:15:35-05:00February 3rd, 2023|Comments Off on 4 Title Sales Rep Success Strategies in a Shifting Market

Signs Your Title Insurance Sales Rep Isn’t Going to Make It

I probably have 5-7 conversations a week with Title salespeople all over the country. It’s been this way for a handful of years now. I really enjoy talking to my fellow Title sales reps learning about their issues and discussing their businesses. What all this exposure has allowed me to do is see the [...]

2022-09-13T15:19:18-04:00September 13th, 2022|Comments Off on Signs Your Title Insurance Sales Rep Isn’t Going to Make It

Should My Realtor Team Sign a Title Company Joint Venture?

If you haven't noticed, the real estate market around the country is shifting. With interest rates rising, and inflation at an all-time high, the easiness of business that was 2020 and 2021 is sifting away. Over those last two years, business came in like a flood that could barely be contained. Title Companies soared [...]

2022-06-08T09:09:52-04:00June 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on Should My Realtor Team Sign a Title Company Joint Venture?

The Greatest Title Sales Rep in the World

I want to begin this blog by stating " I am NOT the greatest Title Sales Rep in the world." This isn't going to be about my accomplishments or how I built my business. Instead, this is about something that affects every organically grown Title Company and Title Sales Rep who works their butt [...]

2022-06-08T09:11:49-04:00October 18th, 2019|Comments Off on The Greatest Title Sales Rep in the World

Title Company Escrow Officer – True Hero of the Title Insurance Business

There are three major pieces to the Title business that affect the real estate transaction. The first piece is sales and marketing…” business development people”. We are the “gas in the car” and make things GO on the front end of things. The last piece is our closing department. The last people a Realtor [...]

2022-06-08T09:12:20-04:00July 26th, 2019|Comments Off on Title Company Escrow Officer – True Hero of the Title Insurance Business