3 Ways to Maximize your Title Company Relationship

Having been in the Title business since 2005 and in two major real estate markets let’s just say I’ve seen most things in this business.  Realtors and lenders leverage their Title Company relationship in different ways. Some leverage the relationship far more than others. Others don’t know how to leverage the relationship at all. [...]

2023-05-05T21:34:43-04:00May 5th, 2023|Comments Off on 3 Ways to Maximize your Title Company Relationship

Why Realtors Lose Credibility with a Crappy Business Card

Every week I get business cards from Realtors. We meet in a class I teach, or at an event. Either way, they are handing out business cards not only to me, but many other people. I realize that a business card doesn’t 100% reflect a person’s value or level of business that they conduct, [...]

2022-06-08T09:14:17-04:00October 18th, 2017|Comments Off on Why Realtors Lose Credibility with a Crappy Business Card