Title Company’s need to learn how to shift their behavior too. This section covers all aspects of Title Company Marketing.

A Good Northern Virginia Title Company – What a Realtor Should Expect!

Most of the blogs and information that I like to bring to this site is all about being a "solution to the Real Estate agent and Mortgage Lenders problem."  Adding good content about WHY you should do this or HOW to do that, but in this post I want to write about what Real Estate [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:21-04:00July 15th, 2013|Comments Off on A Good Northern Virginia Title Company – What a Realtor Should Expect!

5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents are Switching to Stewart Title and Escrow

Back in the day I used to have a Blackberry...great phone(at the time) and I used it like crazy.  You could say that I was almost addicted!  It had many bells and whistles and it had the capability to make my life and my business run easier.  Then something called the iPhone came out.  [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:03-04:00April 16th, 2013|Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents are Switching to Stewart Title and Escrow

Why You Don’t Need Title Company Marketing Gimmicks

I was meeting with a Realtor at lunch today and she and I were talking about her business and how Stewart Title and Escrow could help provide solutions.  I asked her what kind of Title Company Marketing she was currently getting from our competitor?  Like 99% of Realtors in the DC area...she told me [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:56-04:00October 12th, 2012|Comments Off on Why You Don’t Need Title Company Marketing Gimmicks

Why You Should Switch Title Companies Right Now

To begin...the Title Company you currently use in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area ( if not already Stewart Title) is probably not a bad Title Company.  I'm sure that they provide decent to good service and have knowledge of their title and settlement services. More than likely they are very good at taking your [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:24-04:00August 28th, 2012|Comments Off on Why You Should Switch Title Companies Right Now

Your Title Company Sales Rep – You Decide

Most Title Companies have them...you know who they are.  They call and email you for the primary reason of wanting your purchase and refinance business. They are the Title Company sales rep. They tell you about  the good things that their Title Company offers, like mobile closings, good service, and the best escrow/settlement people [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:29-04:00August 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Your Title Company Sales Rep – You Decide