Content about the latest real estate market trends that most affect Realtors and Lenders going forward.

Rising Interest Rates-Should I Buy a Home Now?

In today's market we have seen a shift with rising interest rates. This rise has occurred over the last 30 days or so due to the Federal Govt deciding to "taper" off the bond buying program that has caused rates to remain below 4% for much of the last 12 months.  The rising interest [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:30-04:00June 12th, 2013|Comments Off on Rising Interest Rates-Should I Buy a Home Now?

South Riding Subdivision in Chantilly-What a Great Place to Live

When I first moved to the Washington DC area in June 2012 I mostly have worked marketing to Real Estate agents and Mortgage Lenders helping them grow their business in the Northern Virginia area.  I drive around the area and by doing so I get to see all the great place that people call [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:53-04:00May 17th, 2013|Comments Off on South Riding Subdivision in Chantilly-What a Great Place to Live

Why You Should Refinance your FHA Loan before June 3rd 2013

Do you have an FHA Loan?  An FHA Loan is a mortgage loan you might currently have on your home.  If you do, you should refinance your FHA loan before June 3rd as some changes are on the way that could cost you more money.  The main selling point of FHA (Federal Housing Administration) [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:55-04:00May 3rd, 2013|Comments Off on Why You Should Refinance your FHA Loan before June 3rd 2013

How to Get 4000 NEW Real Estate Listings

Christmas time is here.  The end of 2012 and Realtors and Lenders alike are looking back at what they did or didn't do in 2012 and also set goals and aspirations for the year to come.  As the Director of Sales and Marketing for Stewart Title in Northern Virginia/Washington DC I meet with Real [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:45-04:00December 14th, 2012|Comments Off on How to Get 4000 NEW Real Estate Listings

Home Buyers – Why Move to Arlington, Virginia

For over 10 years I lived in a fantastic place in America...Phoenix, AZ.  It was summer all the time, a lot of outdoor activities, and if you are an avid golfer...HEAVEN!  About 3.5 months ago I moved to the Washington DC area and am adjusting nicely.  If you read my blogs you know that [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:59-04:00September 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Home Buyers – Why Move to Arlington, Virginia

Refinance or Short Sale? Why its a Good Idea to Consider Both!

You may not know it but we are currently experiencing a time in Real Estate that has never existed before...EVER.  The market was so hot in 2004-2006, then the market crashed in August in 2007 with interest rates in the 6.5% range.  Housing values took a huge dive!  Some markets were hurt more than [...]

2022-06-08T09:27:28-04:00August 14th, 2012|Comments Off on Refinance or Short Sale? Why its a Good Idea to Consider Both!