In my previous blog, I discussed the 5 most time-wasting activities that hurt Title sales reps productivity. In this blog, I will discuss the 5 best revenue-generating activities for Title Reps. All of us work in the same construct of time. How you use that time and with whom separates high performers from middle performers. Much of this focuses on getting uncomfortable. This means doing things that separate you from your competitors, but also aren’t easy or necessarily fun to do. These are in my opinion, the best revenue producing activities for Title sales reps!

Picking up the phone

Sounds simple but picking up the phone and prospecting for new business is the best revenue-generating activity. Many Title reps don’t like to do this, because they struggle with knowing what to say on the phone. Learning and mastering dialogues make this a lot easier. “Hello Realtor X, I’d like to get 30-40 minutes of your time to provide you ideas of how we are helping agents like you create more listing opportunities in a low inventory market. I promise I won’t waste your time.” 

Picking up the phone is the starting point. Knowing what to say is next. Setting the appointment is last. Do this over and over. Appointments lead to conversions which leads to contracts and commissions.

Doing presentations

Want to be viewed as a thought leader in your market? Teach Realtors how to be better at their job. Plain and simple. Learn things that improve a Realtors opportunities at business then teach it back to them. Farming classes, video classes, lead generation classes and more. This has been staple of how I built my business. Want to be perceived as an expert? Do your best to become one. The key is that you do the presentations and classes. Don’t bring in an instructor. The value needs to come from you! 

Dig deep into your relationships

Many Title reps like to scratch the surface on their client relationships, but going deeper will make the pathway to business even easier. I have found that after establishing value to your clients, going deeper in the relationship wins every time. Find out what your clients like to do when they aren’t selling real estate. Do they have a favorite sports team or is there a hobby they have? Send them a card or a video text message on their birthday. What can you be doing to deepen these relationships? 

Using Video

Want to cast a wide net and be seen as the mayor of your market? Lead by example and shoot educational video content that makes the end viewer smarter and adds value back to you. It makes it a lot easier in the credibility department if you do what you teach. Many Title reps shy away from the camera but the camera is your best friend. You don’t want to be in the Title sales rep witness protection program. Visibility is a must when you are in business development. Get comfortable with the camera then teach it back to your agents. 

Effective follow-up strategy

All the money is in the follow-up. Have your follow-up scripts and re-connecting scripts ready to go. Also, know who you should be following up with and what value are you bringing them on the call or in person. Don’t just call to call. Have something valuable to say or to provide.

I tell Title sales reps the reason some agents don’t take your call is because they don’t think you are going to say anything valuable or you are calling simply to ask for business. Have value up front and lead with it. It makes the follow up easy and the agent ends up picking up the phone in the future when you call.

BONUS: Asking for the business. Knowing effective closing strategies is important when asking for the business. Don’t ask you don’t get. Always ask for the business. 

If you are struggling as a Title Rep or your Title Company isn’t growing please reach out and we can discuss Title Sales coaching and DCTitleGuy Consulting can get you where you want to be.

You can fill out the form below or send me an email at to set up an exploratory call.

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