Title Company’s need to learn how to shift their behavior too. This section covers all aspects of Title Company Marketing.

Stewart Title Partners with ZOCCAM for Earnest Money Deposits

One weird issue in our business that we deal with is how to get an earnest money deposit check to a Title Company.  In some states, real estate offices hold the EMD, but due to potential liability issues, the trend has moved to the Title Company holding EMD checks. In the past, we have [...]

2022-06-08T09:12:21-04:00July 12th, 2019|Comments Off on Stewart Title Partners with ZOCCAM for Earnest Money Deposits

What Realtors Don’t Know About Opening Their Own Title Company

One way to know the real estate market is doing well is when you hear Realtor teams mentioning they are going to open their own Title Company. Now, I must preface by saying I don't hear this on a regular occasion but in reality, I should hear this zero times...ever. There are many Realtors [...]

2022-06-08T09:12:24-04:00May 13th, 2019|Comments Off on What Realtors Don’t Know About Opening Their Own Title Company

The Two Different Title Company Business Models Explained

Having been in the Title business since 2005, I have seen many things as it relates to methods used by Title Companies to generate business. When I was a Title sales rep in Phoenix, AZ most of the major Title Companies had sales teams. These salespeople would lead generate Realtors and lenders to create [...]

2022-06-08T09:14:02-04:00May 21st, 2018|Comments Off on The Two Different Title Company Business Models Explained

5 Major Ways Stewart Title is Different Than Our Competition

This is not a blog about how amazing Stewart Title is because we have the best service, escrow staff, etc. Everyone says that about their company. I want to talk about the REAL differences that influence and affect YOU...our clients. Settlement and Title Companies are everywhere in each market. Figuring out who to use [...]

2022-06-08T09:14:03-04:00April 19th, 2018|Comments Off on 5 Major Ways Stewart Title is Different Than Our Competition

What I Learned Teaching at the DAAR Fall Convention

The DAAR Fall Convention took place this year on October 19th. If you don’t know about DAAR–its the Dulles Area Association of Realtors. The main focus of this Realtor Association is Loudoun County and the cities along the Dulles Airport corridor. These conventions are pretty cool, in that you get to meet and talk [...]

2022-06-08T09:14:16-04:00October 31st, 2017|Comments Off on What I Learned Teaching at the DAAR Fall Convention

Is the Title Company Home Warranty Really Free?

I would say at least 3 – 4 times a month I get this call or email from a Realtor: “Wade…we really want to use Stewart Title on this transaction, but this other Title Company says that if we go with them, they will give my buyer a free home warranty at closing. Can [...]

2022-06-08T09:17:51-04:00April 6th, 2016|Comments Off on Is the Title Company Home Warranty Really Free?

3 Signs You Should Switch Your Title Company Relationship

Most real estate agents and mortgage lenders have some sort of Title Company relationship.  Some are stronger and more loyal than others, some of these relationships are due to a joint venture or Market Service Agreement. But are all Title Companies the same? Definitely not! Just like not all real estate brokerages are the [...]

2022-06-08T09:19:17-04:00April 15th, 2015|Comments Off on 3 Signs You Should Switch Your Title Company Relationship

Real Estate Agent Partnerships – DCTitleGuy vs Their TitleGuy

Real Estate agent partnerships form constantly. Partnerships with lenders, Title Companies, inspectors, etc. People form these partnerships because they believe by doing so it will improve their business and make their life easier.  Sometimes this is true, other times it is not. This is more true than in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area. Here [...]

2022-06-08T09:19:21-04:00February 25th, 2015|Comments Off on Real Estate Agent Partnerships – DCTitleGuy vs Their TitleGuy

Settlement Agent vs Title Company – What is the Difference?

As Real Estate agents and Mortgage Lenders you deal with a lot of different companies when closing your transactions.  If you are in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area hopefully you deal with just Stewart Title when it comes to your Real Estate closings.  Do you ever notice that some of the companies you deal [...]

2022-06-08T09:19:33-04:00November 3rd, 2014|Comments Off on Settlement Agent vs Title Company – What is the Difference?

Top 3 Questions to ask your Northern Virginia Title Company

As a Real Estate agent or Mortgage Lender you build relationships with all kinds of people that can enhance your business.  One of the biggest partners you have is your Northern Virginia Title Company.  There are a lot of them out there too.  They are all competing for the same business trying to stand [...]

2022-06-08T09:24:27-04:00January 27th, 2014|Comments Off on Top 3 Questions to ask your Northern Virginia Title Company