As we head into a new year with projections of more home sales than in 2024 and lower interest rates. Some great news for our real estate industry. This doesn’t mean your real estate business will automatically flourish because of a more favorable market, there is work to be done on your end. In our business, the easiest things to do are also the easiest things not to do, but if you execute some of these simple activities on a regular basis, more opportunities will come your way. Do these three simple things increase your real estate business in 2025.
Prospecting on the Phone
Yes, that phone to which we all seemed to be attached makes phone calls on top of posting on social media and texts. We have become conditioned to communicate in the fastest way; we neglect the most effective way, which is making direct phone calls to our sphere, past clients, prospects, and targets. Having meaningful conversations with other people that lead to face-to-face appointments.
This is true when calling people who visited your open house, an expired listing or following up with attendees from your last downsizing seminar. The goal is to grow and expand your relationships no matter what stage they are in. Prospecting is the foundation of growing your real estate business. Create new habits or reinforcing existing ones by making phone calls on a consistent basis will create more business opportunities.
Hiring Help
I know agents in our market that brag that they did “X” amount in sold real estate, “all by themselves.” That is not a badge of honor. Honestly, it sounds horrible and the fast track to burnout. Realtors who learn how to scale their business do it by relinquishing control and learning to leverage themselves by hiring help. Businesses that grow and expand have employees. You run your real estate business like a business so yours should as well.
Write down all the activities you do in a given week that could be done by someone else. I’m sure there are a lot. Then estimate how much time you spend in total doing those activities. A 2025 goal should be to have someone else do that work for you so you can get your time back to focus on the top things that you do really well which will help you create more clients and sales.
Create More Visibility for your Brand
Yes, this means getting on camera. It’s a simple task but one many make difficult due to that voice between your ears telling you all the reasons not to. As a Realtor you already fight for eyeballs and brand recognition in your markets. Failing to recognize this and rely on older traditional marketing methods only is a business killer long term. When is the last time you went to a Blockbuster Video on a Friday night?
Let’s Chat!
Investing in yourself and your brand is important to create more visibility and credibility for that business you own. Your past clients, sphere and target audience need to have a front row seat to your show on social media and YouTube. This is how I help my clients at Pruitt Title. If you want to start a conversation, please reach out to or fill out the form below!
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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