The hangover from the party of 2020 through most of 2022 is here. Having spoken about Title Sales rep success strategies to many Title Companies around the country, I have heard of 4-day work weeks, furloughs, and even people selling their eggs (yes, those eggs) to make money. Essentially, some pretty drastic stuff is happening in our business–but it doesn’t have to be this way. Yes, fewer transactions are happening due to an array of market conditions, but WE control our actions and activities to create business opportunities.

When I’m talking to my Title Sales Coaching clients, we discuss implementation and accountability. This is what is going on here. Many Title Companies have been used to a great market for a long time so the urgency to create systems and guardrails was lacking. Let’s discuss 4 Title Sales rep success strategies that can help you or the sales reps on your team push through and find success in this current market.

#1 Huge Emphasis on Prospecting 

This seems obvious, but if your prospecting efforts were low to average because of the “great market” and now you have to hunt for your food–prospecting can be seen as a chore. Without an effective prospecting strategy in this market, those 4-day work weeks will continue. Set aside time to contact these people:

  1. All non-directing customers (got scripts?)
  2. Lenders on current transactions
  3. Your top 10 targets (you have targets right?)
  4. Your nurtures and commits to business
  5. Agents in the Top 100 for your market

Calling the groups above on a consistent basis, good things will happen–but you have to commit to doing it. The ground floor activity for new business acquisitions is making calls to set appointments or getting a direct verbal commitment to the business over the phone.

#2 Get in Front of a Camera

Visibility creates credibility. You are in Title Sales not the witness protection program. As many top-producing Realtors and Lenders in your market should not only know who you are but your strong value propositions and how you can help their business. If you have reluctance, now is the time to move past it. If you aren’t promoting how you help and support your clients or what amazing services you provide to clients, someone else certainly will. Post videos on:

  1. Instagram-stories, reels, and regular posts
  2. YouTube. My favorite! Start your channel!
  3. Facebook video posts and stories
  4. Tik Toc. It’s growing and becoming a useful tool.
  5. LinkedIn. Your Realtors are on this platform as well.

It’s not necessary to hit all of these platforms to find success, but if you fail to post video content on any of them it’s an issue.

#3 Scripts

The reason Title reps don’t like to prospect for new business is that they struggle to know “what to say” with a non-directing customer or Top 100 agents. The other issue I hear about is “winging” it in appointments with new prospects.

Those initial meetings have to be loosely scripted as well. What questions are you asking these agents? Are you running the meeting or are they? What are their pain points so you can formulate a response to solve their problems? Who are they currently using for Title and why do they keep going back? Do you know how to “close” them so they give you a verbal commitment to business? What is your follow-up strategy afterward?

Acquire Clients First Not Friends

As you can see there is an art to making contact and creating Title Sales rep success strategies when talking to and meeting Realtors. The pitfall is the Title rep goes into these meetings thinking they are making a new “friend.” You can be friends later after they have sent you several transactions and the relationship has grown. In the first couple of meetings, it’s all about acquiring a new paying client. Don’t forget that.

#4 Learn from Others! 

When I began my career in Title sales back in 2005, we didn’t have Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or coaching programs in my area. You were on your own and many of my fellow Title reps were closed-mouthed about how they created success. Now there is help in many places. The internet is full of helpful ideas with videos, Facebook groups, and coaching programs.

Help is literally everywhere if you just look. My other suggestion is to reach out to others that you know have been or are successful in this business. This can be other reps in your market, your sales manager, or someone you follow on IG or find online. People are usually willing to share ideas and help.

Let’s Dominate 2023 with these Title Sales Rep Success Strategies

The job is not hard, but there are systems and guardrails that need to be put in place to maximize success opportunities. Make a strong emphasis on NEW customers all the time and have your scripts practiced and ready to go. Know how to handle common objections and keep the conversation going. It’s more important than ever to get in front of a camera and leverage the technology to shout your value messages. If you do this over and over good things will occur and the market won’t dictate your success-you will!

Need Help or Title Sales Coaching?

If you are struggling and need help with implementation and accountability to grow your Title business–fill out this form below and let’s chat!

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