Real Estate agent partnerships form constantly. Partnerships with lenders, Title Companies, inspectors, etc. People form these partnerships because they believe by doing so it will improve their business and make their life easier. Sometimes this is true, other times it is not. This is more true than in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area. Here “Joint Ventures and MSA’s” (Market Service Agreements) are a large way that many of the Title Companies gain their business. Title Insurance Sales Reps play a different role here to their agent and lender partners. I have been in this area since 2012 and working like mad everyday to overturn how Title Sales people are viewed by real estate agents and mortgage lenders. This brings me to an email I received from a mortgage lender client. *snippet
Hey man, I’m really up and running, working with many agents in several high producing offices. I’m literally building an army of agents, which only you understand the effect marketing has on agents. I have meetings set up 7 new and top agents next week. Problem is, they want us to use Their Title Guy, but Their Title Guy offers zero value. You will be able to help them and gain their business no problem with your expertise! I need to get you in front of these people and open their eyes. I fully trust Stewart Title with my deals and is an advocate for Stewart with the agents.
After reading that email it made me realize that I’m always competing against this phantom person…Their Title Guy. Who is Their Title Guy? Why do agents/lenders want to use this person for business? Perhaps it is because they have never met DCTitleGuy, the good guy that spends his day/week creating positive real estate agent partnerships and helping them expand their business. Is there a major difference between DCTitleGuy and is arch nemesis, Their Title Guy? Here they are:
Their Title Guy
All of our competitors have this person working for them. Their Title Guy can take many forms so watch out! He/She is an attorney, other times it is a “sales person” that offers you marketing gimmicks from their company that won’t grow or enhance your business. Here are other traits that describe Their Title Guy:
- Offers little to no value to your real estate business/No marketing tools
- Expects your business through a Joint Venture or MSA. Doesn’t think they need to earn it.
- Teaches CE Classes only, not anything that will help you with Real Estate marketing or Lead Generation for more clients/business. Credits…YES. More business? NO.
- Will give you several Title Company marketing gimmicks-coffee mugs, pens, pads, flashlights, day-planners then asks for your next deal.
- Can’t answer real estate marketing questions, but instead says he/she doesn’t offer that service, and tells you about their online fee generator.
- When you hear an Agent say “My broker says we need to use XYZ Title Company.” That is also the work of Their Title Guy.
- High turnover in this position and not great at forming Real Estate Agent partnerships.
Been in the Title business since 2005 and works daily to help his clients and prospects with all facets of their real estate marketing. Has the end goal to create positive real estate agent partnerships, and will offer you knowledge and education vs donuts and bagels. Here is what you get with DCTitleGuy:
- Works for Stewart Title-who is on the Forbes List as a Top 50 Most Trustworthy Company.
- Looks to earn your business by helping you develop better marketing strategies to gain more exposure.
- Offers an array of real estate marketing tools, plus knowledge on WordPress, SEO, Data mining, Farming Strategies, Mobile Apps, Social Media Training, Video Training, and more. Can teach you how to achieve Google Rank through content and video.
- Teaches 9 different Real Estate Marketing Classes for agents and lenders that will help them become more savvy, gain more exposure, and put them in a position to do MORE business.
- Sets specific client appointments to discuss marketing and business building strategies vs bugging agents handing out cups, pens, and other gimmick items.
- Does not have any Joint Ventures or MSA’s, instead works with top agents/lenders who are interested in taking their business to the next level.
- Available 24/7 and been in the Title business since 2005 with no plans to leave.
- Builds many strong real estate agent partnerships and positions himself as an “extension of his client’s business” and is always there to assist with any need or question.
Which TitleGuy is for you?
As you can see there are many differences between myself and my arch nemesis, Their Title Guy. We both work for Title Companies but our roles are different, and the value proposition we portray to our target audience is not the same. When you come across Their Title Guy, don’t fear. All you have to do is reach out to DCTitleGuy and he will come running to help you build your business! Fill out the form below and tell me exactly HOW I can help you. You can also reach me at 480-203-6452 or
Click above to the Testimonials Tab to see the work of DCTitleGuy. Subscribe to my blog and YouTube Channel in the top right corner for MORE helpful content.
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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