Are you looking to be a more successful Title Sales Rep in 2015? The new year is here and that means new goals, new clients, expectations to bring in more business, and have better numbers than 2014. If you have spent much time on this site you know that most of my posts and videos are aimed at helping my ideal clients, whom are real estate agents and mortgage lenders. I help them to become more savvy so they can beat their competition and grow their businesses. As Title Sales people, we are all in this together, no matter where in the United States you are located. We all have similar issues and struggles in the field. Here are some tips that you can use to become a successful Title Sales Rep in 2015. These tips will help you maximize time, efforts, and make you become the “go to person” in your area.
Fire Problem Clients
Yes, you heard me. The new year is a great time to clean up your database and look at WHO is sending you business and WHO else is wasting your time. We all have agents and lenders that attend our classes/events, ask us for help, but rarely send business. There are also agents that send the occasional deal, but they kill your staff and stress them out(you are thinking of someone right now)! I have learned over my 9yrs in the Title business that sometimes you have to fire clients. There is a lot of “good business” out there where you don’t need to waste your time and energy with “time wasters” and “problem clients.” This will free up time and allow you to focus on other agents and lenders who want to build a relationship with your company. Your escrow staff will also love you.
Marketing vs Advertising
What do real estate agents and mortgage lenders care about? MARKETING! Not advertising for your Title Company. The coffee mugs, desk calendars, pens, and pads are great, but where is the real value?? Do these marketing gimmicks help promote your client and assist them with gaining more business, or is it advertising for your Title Company? If you have a strong value proposition, agents and lenders will know who you are and the company you represent.
I had a Realtor client ask me for a Stewart Title coffee mug because she said she felt bad drinking out of a competitor’s cup. I laughed and told her, that I could care less if she drinks from that cup, as long as her purchase contracts said “Stewart Title,” and she recognized the value I bring to her and her business. It’s not about advertising for your company, it’s about helping your clients and prospects with marketing.
Always be…One Step Ahead
To be a successful Title Sales Rep in 2015, be one step ahead of your ideal client. Find out WHAT it is they need to learn or integrate into their business, learn it, then teach it back to them. If a Realtor wants to learn how to use Twitter or Instagram…learn those social media platforms. If they want to know how to Farm their Subdivision and get a better rate of return, show them how to break down the data and send targeted messages to a targeted audience. If they want to learn how to get “Found Online” by consumers looking for what they represent, then learn some basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and talk to them about what they need to do. You will be seen as the “expert” and when they have a need, they will come to you.
Online Marketing and Video!!
When I teach classes and talk to real estate agents they ask me over and over…“I see what you are doing and I’m sure it works…can you show me how to do that?” The value proposition greatly increases when the answer is YES. At that point they can immediately see the difference between the company they were using and you/your company. Teaching and agent or lender how and why they should be using video in their real estate business, how to gain subscribers, an generate leads is huge. Agents who use video in their business have shorter sales cycles and gain more exposure than agents who don’t. Are your competitors helping agents and lenders do this? Probably not…so do it.
Don’t Do These Things…
To be a successful Title Sales Rep in 2015 there are also a few things you don’t want to do. I covered some of these things in my post on How to be a Better Title Sales Rep in 2014 but these are new additions:
1. Dump the Milk Route-Seriously stop. Most agents work from their house, and when you leave your office and get into traffic it is very time consuming. I know you need to see your clients and prospects, but set appointments with a purpose.
2. Think meeting with a Realtor/Lender means you have their business-Always follow up afterwards and make sure the meeting was beneficial to them and have no issues telling them you are looking for a “working relationship” and ask for the business. This will help you sort out the people who aren’t serious about doing business with you and non-producers.
3. Don’t talk trash about your competitors-Yes, you know your value proposition is stronger but if you provide value to the Realtor/Lender and teach them savvy marketing tactics, they will see the difference between you and the old company they were using…all on their own. You job is to get them to switch their Title relationship, but you need to make it their idea.
Ready to for 2015?
I hope this information will help you become a more successful Title Sales Rep in 2015 and beyond. There is a lot of good business out there so learn these new strategies and take them out in the field. Realtors and Lenders will be calling and email you to meet and present in their offices vs the other way around!
If you are a Real Estate Agent/Mortgage lender and need help…you know what to do! Fill out the form below!
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Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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