Social web network marketing diagram.

Everyday I meet with Real Estate agents in Northern Virginia and Washington DC.  One of my “qualifying” questions I ask when I meet an agent for the first time is…”So…what do you do to stay in touch with your past clients and SOI (sphere of influence)?  This is called being “Top of Mind.”  This is what most business owners want.  They want to be Top of Mind with people that need their services either right now or in the future.  In my experience most Real Estate agents leave several deals on the table each year by NOT being Top of Mind.  Is this you?  Do you even know?  They negate their sphere and past clients, or they send out what they consider “items of value” when in reality its “items of crap” that gets thrown away.  Why is it an “item of crap?” Because your target audience see no value in it…so they do what you do…they throw it in the garbage or ignore it. When things are in the trash you are certainly not Top of Mind…agreed?  So, with that in mind what are the 5 ways Realtors can remain top of mind? Great questions! Here ar  great marketing ideas or ways Real Estate agents can and should do to remain Top of Mind, and not lose deals year in and year out.

1. Pick up the Phone

Nothing says “I care for you or find value in you” like picking up the phone and calling the people who are most likely to refer or use you when buying/selling a home.  I can’t tell you how many agents I have met with that tell me that the reason why they don’t call their sphere or past clients more is that they don’t want to “bother” them.  REALLY!? I shake my head…these are people who you currently know and have relationships with.  When you call your SOI you don’t have to go right into asking for business.  Talk to them, ask about the family, ask how you can help them, and let them know you care about them.  If you care about them…they will care about you.  When that happens they will refer you and make sure you are “Top of Mind.”

2. Send “Real” Items of Value

Please stop with the recipe cards and sports schedules.  Just like most people, if I want to know when Washington Wizards are playing next or how to make brownies I can go to YouTube or Google and find it in 30 seconds on my iPhone.  You think these are valuable items, but I’m here to tell you they are not, even if on the fridge, does NOT make you Top of Mind with your sphere.  Reason?  Its not valuable information that solves any of their Real Estate problems.  Where do you go if you have a Real Estate need?  Your fridge or Google, Yahoo, and YouTube?  Yeah…me too.  So…what do you send?  You send “items of value” that makes the consumer smarter.  You send information that they need and crave.  Information that makes you look valuable.  Examples: Market Data, What Sold in my Neighborhood in last 30 days, Short Sale vs Foreclosure, why List your home in Spring 2013.  The most important thing is AFTER you send this valuable information, direct them to your Real Estate website.  “For information on XYZ subject, please visit my website at….”  This is where you want them to be…your storefront.  Send Value…not crap.

3. Social Media

You don’t need to be a Social Media Guru to be Top of Mind but it is necessary to have a presence.  Your SOI and past clients are here…you need to be also.  Add them to your FB Real Estate Fan Page or get them to follow you on Twitter.  That way you can post relevant and educational information that they would find valuable and consistently show up in their  news feed.  Kind of hard to not be Top of Mind when you are consistently in front of people who know you, and should be referring you.  Post your newsletter, blogs, videos here as well.  Make them educational and ask for the business.  Also…Social Media is FREE. 

4. Video

Video is the fastest way to shorten your sales cycle and de-commoditize yourself from our competition.  If you could provide a 2 minute video about your value or something that your SOI or past clients would find valuable is far better than a recipe card right?  Also, it allows them to see, hear, and process your message.  Want to be Top of Mind with your clients?  Send them videos…this will go a long way.  98% of agents don’t do this…which means you should be.  Check out this video…do you think your SOI and past clients would appreciate an update on the state of the market like this?  Yes…they would!

5. Client Appreciation Parties

Everyone likes to feel appreciated…you do to.  Throwing client appreciation parties a couple times a year is a great way to get like minded people in a room together talking about YOU and how you helped them.  I have a buddy in Arizona that every year throws a HUGE Super Bowl party and invites his entire SOI and past clients.  He spends the money on food, entertainment, and everything else you can think of.  Yes, this is an initial investment, but it kicks off his year and he is swamped till summer with new clients!  Remember, your goal is to get face to face and build strong lasting relationships.  This is a great way to do that and remain “Top of Mind” with your referral partners.

Ready to Switch Title Companies?

Think about your current Title Company relationship.  Are they helping you grow? Make you a better marketer?  Do they go “outside the box” to help you generate more business?  If the answer is NO…please fill out the form below and I will be happy to contact you shortly for a 1 on 1 appointment!

Work With Wade

Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"

    I help my clients with all facets of their real estate/mortgage business on behalf of Pruitt Title in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area. Let's work together!
