As we all know the Presidential Election is tomorrow (Go Vote!) and over the last 8 months or so we have been bombarded by all kinds of messages from both parties. Most of these messages are unwanted spam and we have gotten to the point where we just ignore them. The ads on the TV, the emails to my Gmail account where I’m not sure how they have my email, the phone calls, things in the mail, etc. The more and more I see this happening I can’t help but think of another group of people that try to convey a message to their audience in a similar delivery…Real Estate Agents. Just as you are tired of the campaign ads and spam marketing, so are the consumers that Realtors are trying to reach. Here’s why:
Ignoring Messages
We as consumers are trained to ignore unwanted spam messages. We have DVR to avoid commercials…we have Satellite Radio to avoid advertisements…we open our mail over the garbage can and simply toss away what we don’t need (which is most of it) and keep what we do(mostly bills). Since this is more than likely what you do, wouldn’t it make sense that your target audience does as well? If this is the case why do Realtors keep doing the same types of marketing that is not only unwanted, but is less and less effective at generating business? If your Real Estate marketing program was up for election against the new way of marketing to consumers it would be handily defeated.
New Consumer Behavior
Since it has been established that consumers are now trained and do everything they can to avoid unwanted spam messages, you as a Realtor has to do the opposite of blasting out messages…you have to BE where these consumers ARE. The new consumer behavior is not to wait for your direct mail piece but to get what they want RIGHT NOW! If I have an immediate need I pull out my iPhone and find the answer…right then. I not only have Google at my fingertips but I also have:
- YouTube
- Get a WordPress Website and brand your URL: I live in DC and I work for a Title Company.
- Start a blog-write 1-2 a week about what your ideal client would want to read or look for online.
- Brand your business–website name, Twitter handle, FB Business Page (DCTitleGuy, etc.)
- Get on Facebook and or Twitter and get some training on how to use it correctly
- Use Video when you can. People love and will watch Video. It will shorten your sales cycle.
- Take the money you spend a month on marketing that doesn’t work and scale it back and redirect the funds to 1-5.
- 3 Simple Ways to Increase Your Real Estate Business in 2025 - December 18, 2024
- Why Your Title Sales Business May Be Struggling Right Now - November 19, 2024
- How a Title Rep Got 3 Million Views to their Instagram Reel - September 30, 2024
I use these avenues to look for what I need at that exact moment. You know who else does? That’s right…your clients! In today’s Real Estate space it is more important to BE where your ideal client is LOOKING than to blast out unwanted spam to a person who may or may not have any need for your services, but you do know that they will go to Google, social networking sites, and apps when they do. Am I saying abandon all forms of your Real Estate marketing that has worked in the past? No Way! If you have something that works well for you…keep doing it but more than likely what you are doing needs tweaking or a 2.0 adjustment. So what do you do? Here are few quick tips that can get you off and running in the right direction:
I know that sounds like quite a bit. I agree. Take each step at a time and build your business. Use your current direct mail pieces as a vehicle to get traffic to your Real Estate website and social media accounts. That is where people are anyway…so they might as well be looking at your message and value vs a recipe card that offers no answers to their Real Estate problems.
Need Help?
You’re in luck! I can help you…and I don’t cost money. My name is Wade Vander Molen and I am the Director of Sales/Marketing for Stewart Title and Escrow in Northern Virginia/Washington DC. I work with Realtors just like you helping them grow their business. I’m for hire…today! All you have to do is fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly!
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"