Having this website active and creating consistent online content (blogs/videos) for 3.5 years now, it has led to a lot of people on the site (thank you) and in turn resulted in many calls and emails with questions from real estate agents and mortgage lenders. It has also resulted in lot of questions from other Title Insurance sales reps from all around the country. I realize that in our job position, there is not much training out there. In fact, most companies offer none at all! I remember when I first started in the business back in 2005 and I was the 21st title rep for my very large company. We had many successful Title Insurance sales reps but they weren’t too keen on sharing HOW they became successful. I had to learn for the most part…on my own. So once a year I post a helpful blog/video just for you…the title sales rep looking for advice, answers and how to be the top rep in your area. Here are the top questions I get from other Title Insurance sales reps from around the country.
Why did you put together this website?
Good question. When I moved to the Washington DC area in 2012 I knew I was starting over in the title business and had chance to re-invent myself…brand myself. I also knew that the next thing for Realtors and lenders was how to harness their online presence, so I wanted to be able to teach them how to do that…add value. I also wanted to create a 24/7 selling tool and HUB for my clients and prospects to go and get helpful information. It also has allowed me to stand out in the marketplace with my prospects and make it easier to convert them into Stewart Title clients. Being extremely unique is good.
Did you build your website?
No. And I would never tell a title sales rep or Realtor to take the time to do so. Look at your website as a great long term investment into your business. I had this company build the site for me. I paid $1200 and it was the best money I ever spent. In January of 2015 I had the site re-done and added a more updated/modern WordPress theme. With that said, I personally installed most of the plugins and sidebar widgets you see. The site design and structure was built but I took over and did the rest once I “learned what I was doing” with WordPress.
Why do you give away all of this information for free?
My target client is a real estate agent and mortgage lender. The barrier to entry for both is low (sorry…but it is…Title too) so when they are looking for marketing help, or pretty much anything else to gain business they look it up online…where I am. If I have this helpful information why not put it all in one place…just for them? It only adds value to me and my company which results in business. I say give all the information away for free and it will pay off (literally) in the end.
You have a computer background right?
No. I used to do social work believe it or not. I had some guidance on WordPress/Video when I started, but over 90% of it I learned on my own by reading online materials and watching YouTube videos. Also, you don’t have to be a computer wiz to know and understand WordPress and the basics of SEO. That is the beauty of using this Google friendly platform. If you know just a little bit more than your target client then you win.
Are your classes all taught by you?
Yes. As I learned what I was doing with YouTube, WordPress, content writing and other items, I created class outlines and started teaching them back to Realtors. The other classes such as Wise Agent, Farming, More Listings, and Loan Officers/marketing to agents is from my 10yrs in the title business. When you spend everyday for that period of time helping agents/lenders with marketing you pick up a thing or two. Why not teach it back to your target audience? It also adds value to you as the instructor vs hiring another person. As a Title Insurance sales rep that is one of your biggest opportunities to gain clients. Teach!!
What if someone copies you in the local market?
I have no issue with that. There is someone in my local market that is trying (you know who you are) to do that right now. Eventually people see a business model that works and they copy it. Happens in business all the time. I run my race and it works for me. Having a 3.5yr head start on any competition helps too.
What if I want to copy your model?
Go for it! Build your business. Hopefully your Title Company sees the value and is forward thinking. It will only benefit them. If they aren’t, then you need to make a decision what you want to do.
Do you have an online Title Sales course or a CD I can buy? Can I have your class outlines?
No…sorry. I am getting this more and more so perhaps that will come together in the near future. If you think this is a good idea leave a comment below or email me about it (wvander@stewart.com). The class outlines are mine. You need to find your own way. Yes, you can copy the classes, but teaching them with your own spin is best.
Would you come to my company and train me or my team of Title Insurance Sales Reps?
I don’t think that Stewart Title would approve this, unless you were a Stewart Title office or Settlement Agent of Stewart Title.
Do the videos you post for YouTube help you as well?
YES! If you don’t want to pay for a website, learn SEO, blogging, or any of that, at least set up your YouTube Channel and shoot consistent videos. Getting your clients and prospects to Subscribe to your channel will keep them close to you. Also, Google owns YouTube so it can rank your videos in search just like a blog. Video is the way to go and will help differentiate you from your other Title sales rep competition.
I’m a New Title Insurance Sales Rep…what would you suggest I do first?
This answer is Soooo long. So it would be better if you read this blog instead. Click HERE and more tips HERE.
Have more questions or need guidance?
Hope this blog was helpful! I try to post at least 1 time a year just for my other Title Insurance sales reps out there fighting for business everyday. Now is the time of year to add new things into your business, so if you have more questions about how to dominate your marketing area please fill out the form below or email me. If I don’t get back to you right away, I haven’t forgotten about you. I will reach out.
Take a moment and Subscribe to my Blog and YouTube Channel in the top right hand corner! Follow my on twitter @dctitleguy
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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