I recently had a top Realtor attend one of my classes. I followed up like a good Title Rep and she ignored my email, as she gets bombarded all the time (as any top producer does). I let it stir for a few days then gave her a phone call. During the conversation, she stated she liked my class and got a lot out of it…BUT she is loyal to another Title Company where there is a joint venture. I kept her on the phone asking her business questions about what she direction she was trying to go and how Stewart Title could assist. She agreed to meet. We met the next day and she was very happy with the services we offer and the relationship we bring. The JV Title Company didn’t help her with her business. As we spoke in a coffee shop about her business needs, she explained that in her third year in business, she had done 31 buyer deals and 8 listings (in the first 8 months of the year). Very impressive! Though she was happy with her business growth, she said that her largest fear in real estate was…

Not Being Able to Duplicate Her Success Next Year

The more I thought about it, I think many of us have the same fear. For me personally, my largest fear is not being successful. Even when I have really good months or years in the Title business, I always look at opportunities missed or “what if’s” that would have made my productions numbers larger.

In real estate or lending the fears are no different. We all work towards success at the top of the mountain–and after we reach it (or get near the top) the question is always…can you do it again?? In many instances, this fear is valid. The last couple years I said that if I did the same production as last year, I would be pretty happy–then I end up beating it by 10%. Then the next January I say the same thing. After having this conversation with my Realtor client, I realize that this is a real estate agent’s biggest fear, but it can be overcome.

Look at Your Activities

The business or success comes from the activities we do on a daily and weekly basis. Our actions and reactions dictate our behavior. If I keep setting quality client appointments, teaching classes, following up, building loyalty, and help my Realtor and Lender partners–I will have business. I try to break down my weeks and months and set goals within. If I look at my production and goals from a year standpoint I get overwhelmed and it seems not attainable. Once I break them down into chunks, they become more manageable. Control your activities and meet your short-term goals and you are on the right path.

Set the Foundation

CRM!! Using a good real estate CRM will also help in streamlining your business. To know where you are going, you need to know where you have been. My business would be in trouble without my CRM management. Knowing who to contact and when, plus who are your top clients, and referral sources? It’s easier to go back to the well, than trying to convert cold relationships. I personally think that a real estate agent’s biggest fear should be trying to build a business without a CRM. 

Hire Help!

Growing by leverage is a MUST in our business. It’s scary to not duplicate success when you are doing all the work yourself. Take the leap, and hire and admin/marketing person. Maybe you need them only part-time, but you will find that the free time will allow you to create many more business opportunities. Leveraging your time and work will take the edge off when trying to hit and pass those earlier years numbers. Not taking this step is one the biggest mistakes I see Realtors make.

Looking for a NEW Title Company Relationship?

At Stewart Title, we work directly with our Realtor and Lender partners to help them grow. A real estate agent’s biggest fear could also be using a Title Company that takes their transactions, but doesn’t support them with marketing solutions in return. Take a moment and fill out the form and tell me how I can be of service!

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Work With Wade

Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"

    I help my clients with all facets of their real estate/mortgage business on behalf of Pruitt Title in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area. Let's work together!
