Do you ever feel like you are doing a lot of “stuff” as a Title Sales rep every week but not getting the results you want? The reason may be because you are not using your time wisely. Or you are doing things that are not income-producing activities? There are several Title Sales rep time-wasting activities that distract Title reps throughout their week and month. In this article, I’m going to cover the main 5 that I see regularly.

Be Efficient

When I speak to Title reps from around the country one of their pain points which we soon discover is how they participate in so many time-wasting activities. Cutting down or eliminating many of these time traps will help you become a more successful Title Rep in your area, because you can replace them with good activities that lead to opportunities, Title orders, and commissions!

A title sales rep’s job is to create new customers and keep your existing customers coming back. There are many efficient ways to make this happen, but what gets in the way are the low revenue-producing items. Stop doing these 5 time-wasting activities:

Driving Around in Your Car Without Purpose

When you get in your car, it should be because you have a client or prospect appointment, you’re doing a presentation, or another revenue-producing activity. Casually driving to real estate offices and walking around hoping to see someone is not a good use of time. Work like your clients do…by appointment! This is especially true if you work in a larger city with traffic issues. If you are in your car, it should be for a specific reason.

Spending Time With the Wrong People

There are lots of real estate agents out there. Most are people you should not be spending time with. By properly qualifying your prospects upfront, it will help you know who is a good target for you and who is not. Use tools like MMI or My MTA to see how much business they are doing and where they are sending their title business. Do your homework up front, it will make you more prepared when running the prospect meeting.

Going to Lunches

Yes, lunches! Going to lunch can be necessary but it is also a time suck. I go to lunches if I’m reconnecting with a top agent, getting introduced to a producing agent from someone else, or if it’s the only time a producing agent can meet. Other than that, I don’t do lunches. I need that time to work and make my calls, create video content, or get other work done that leads to income producing items. Leverage lunches, but don’t make them a tool for business as at the end of the month you will have thrown away hours you will never get back.

Checking Your Email All The Time

One of the biggest Title sales rep time wasting activities. Yes, you need to respond to people promptly, but getting trapped inside your email is not revenue-producing. Block off time to check your email but don’t hide in your email versus making your prospecting and follow-up phone calls. We have all been a victim of this time trap. Return the the most important and time sensitive emails first, then move on. You can address the less important emails later.

Doing Work for Agents Without Getting a Direct Commitment First

Realtors will take your cookies and run. Hoping for business is not a strategy. Be direct. Tell them your expectations of the relationship. You want to be their Title partner and have a working relationship. Stop trying to be their “friend” first. Let them know you are there to earn Title orders and find ways to improve their business. If they can agree to that–great. If not, then you know they weren’t very serious about working with you and were going to be wasting your time.

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