News came out over the last couple days that “Facebook Ends Organic Search” for business pages. Facebook has changed a lot in the last couple years, ever since they became a publicly traded company on Wall St. (NASDAQ: FB). The main reason is now they are “for profit” and shareholders expect a nice return on their investment. If you have noticed, or track how many people “Like” your FB business page, you may notice that not everyone who likes your page SEES your posts/content. The going rate straight from the mouth of Facebook’s marketing department is 16%. Not a lot of viewership, though you work hard to get people to your page. You can view that information HERE.
The way you can get everyone to see your posts are to “Boost” them which is Facebook talk for “pay us MONEY!” This is one of many ways that Facebook makes money from consumers. By “ending organic search” that means when someone enters your name in Google, your FB Business page that used to be very high in search, will not. It also means that simply “liking” a brand page does not automatically relate to FREE marketing and exposure. Facebook has been moving toward a paid ad revenue model for a while and this was the final blow. Now that FB has decided to end organic search all together for business pages that changes things considerably for real estate agents who rely on this method of marketing. Here is what it means for you and your social media marketing strategy.
Changing Your Strategy
Facebook is a platform that you don’t own. Therefore, at anytime they can change their rules/terms of conditions. Making Facebook the place where you park most of your real estate content is not a good idea. As of right now only a small percentage of people see your posts organically anyway so coming up with another FB strategy was already a must. This doesn’t mean that you should neglect your FB business page or stop adding consumers to your page, just be mindful that the exposure you “think” you are getting…isn’t there. There is still value in having a presence, but having your FB Business page come up in a Google search at the top of the page will no longer happen organically, nor does a “Like” transcend into view. Strategy change right? What though?
Adaptation is a Must
Just like in any business model, you either continue to adapt or you fizzle out. Now that Facebook ends organic search it is time to “branch out” and learn how to use other mediums to gain online exposure and traction. In the social media arena, I would check out Twitter and Instagram if you haven’t done so already. BOTH are 2 of the fastest growing social media platforms, and with Instagram they have a 15 second video feature that can be used for all types of marketing purposes. Here is an instagram post promoting an open house which can create exposure and drive traffic to the agent and to the property…for free.
People are visual so this is a cool way to promote your business, brand, and listings on another social media platform. If you haven’t taken the time to set up your YouTube Channel I would highly recommend it as consumers and prospects have a way to “Subscribe” and learn more about you online through video. Here is the cool thing…Google owns YouTube, so it makes sense to have a video presence there. Your videos can be ranked in “organic Google searches.” As Facebook ends organic search, this is way to keep your social media presence growing AND get found in organic search.
Get your OWN Online Platform
That means learning to create your own content on your own platform…like a WordPress real estate website. Real Estate agents move companies on occasion, so if having people find you online and learn about your value, then continue to adapt and get a website you own. As Facebook end organic search, that means YOU have to take steps to learn how to rank your content online. Yes, I know it is scary to learn, but that is where having a good Title Sales Rep comes into play. Find your vendor partners who can help you learn new strategies going forward and ween yourself away from the Facebook Business Page. When you park your content and value on platforms you don’t own or control, you put yourself at their mercy IF they change the rules on you…and Facebook just did.
Need Help Growing your Real Estate Business?
I am the Director of Sales/Marketing for Stewart Title in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area, and I help real estate agents and mortgage lenders with marketing strategies. My goal is to help them do more business, and put more money in their pocket? If you want to chat, just fill out the form below!
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Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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