New year new you right? Wrong. Most of the time people say they are going to implement and DO things, but in the end, it’s usually a continuation of what they were doing already. Normally this time of year the gyms are overflowing with people who make the decision to finally get in shape or lose some weight, but by the middle of February many of those people are gone and the gyms are back to the regular familiar faces. I don’t want this to be you. As a high producing Realtor or lender, you need to lead the way for your colleagues and set the tone of what good business habits look like. Check out these three great real estate habits that will contribute to a great 2021.
1. Stop Thinking and Start Doing
How many agents do you know who have this lavish business plan that took them a very long time to create, but they don’t really execute any of it. For example, you say this is finally the year to implement video into your real estate business. You have a plan of what videos to shoot and how often, but three months later, life and other things got in the way and you possibly shot one or two videos. Plans are just that…plans. Take action today to make calls and have those real estate conversations. Shoot videos and get them onto YouTube or your website. Do open houses, and make sure your CRM is updated. It is important to have a business plan, but if all you do is make plans, and don’t follow through, you will struggle. Instead of overthinking your next move, just go out and break sh*t and make things happen. Motion creates emotion, but inaction creates nothing.
2. Get a Routine
Get in the routine of having a routine. Top producing agents are very busy. They are busy because they have routines and those routines help to create business for them. Getting up every morning not sure how you are going to create business and “winging it” isn’t going to get it done. Structuring your day by the hour can be important. Set boundaries of time to make calls, attend meetings, show property, etc. I realize in real estate things pop up and can change your schedule, but working within a structured routine will keep your business on track and you will find it will help you develop more business. This is one of the biggest reasons Realtors, Lenders, and Title Reps struggle. They work by the seat of their pants vs having their business ran like a business.
3. Managing Time
Time is the greatest asset we have. The way you look at time needs to change. We all work within the same context of time but it’s what we do within that context that matters. Take a look at all the real estate related activities you do in a given week or month and figure out which of these activities are something you need to be doing or should be outsourced? You know what you do really well, so focus on those things that create business and take the other things and use leverage to grow. I know you may be thinking that costs money to outsource; yes it does. Realize it costs far more money to not outsource. Using your time as wisely as possible within your established routines is the secret sauce. It’s not some flashy new real estate gimmick, it’s you being the most productive version of yourself to dominate 2021 and make it the best year in real estate yet.
* BONUS-Leverage Your Vendors
One way to establish great real estate habits in 2021 is by looking at your vendors and learning more about how they can help to maximize your business. High tide raises all boats so reach out and set up a 1 to 1 with them. I’ve had several meetings so far this year with Realtors who are making the switch to working with me and Stewart Title because they realized their Title Companies just closed their business but didn’t really help them with anything else. Sound familiar?
Hopefully, my website and videos are helpful to you and if you want to have a conversation to talk about partnering up or getting training, please fill out the form below or email me at
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Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"