Most of the blogs and information that I like to bring to this site is all about being a “solution to the Real Estate agent and Mortgage Lenders problem.” Adding good content about WHY you should do this or HOW to do that, but in this post I want to write about what Real Estate agents should expect from a good Northern Virginia Title Company. Why would you write about this you ask? Well, since I moved to the Washington DC area in June 2012 I have found that the way Realtors use and look at Title Companies are quite different than the west coast. The main service that they provide (Title and Escrow services) are essentially the same but that is where the similarities end.
When I ask Realtors (before I meet with them) what they look for in a good Northern Virginia Title Company this is what I hear:
- Good Service
- Mobile Closings
- Competitive Pricing
- Legal Services (Knowledgeable)
I don’t disagree with any of the above. At Stewart Title we offer these exact same services! Being the 3rd Largest Title Insurance Company in the United States, these are expectations of doing business with us. But…when you think about it aren’t they expectations anyway regardless of WHO you use for a Settlement/Title Company? Isn’t it an expectation that a buyer or seller get “good service” and “knowledge” from you as a Realtor? You are probably nodding your head YES…so if all Title Companies are offering the same things does it matter who you use? That is a great question!
Value Added Services
In today’s world those service just aren’t enough if you want to work with a good Northern Virginia Title Company. There has to be MORE. More you ask? Yes, more. There are more solutions they provide for the Realtor and Mortgage Lender. On the West Coast, the Title Companies have savvy marketing people who are rock stars that work directly with the Realtors and Lenders REALLY helping them grow their business, not just saying it. Title Company 2.0 if you will. That is exactly what we are doing here at Stewart Title. We help our clients with their marketing problems and helping them by becoming that solution. This is what I hear most from my clients:
- How do I generate more listings?
- How do I get “Found Online?”
- Can you provide me Farm but broken down specifically?
- How do I market my Subdivision Farm?
- What marketing materials do I send to my sphere so they respond?
- Can you teach me how to use my Real Estate website and get on the 1st page of Google?
- Can you provide me Short Sale data and Renter data? Got scripts?
- I don’t know HOW to use my Social Media accounts for business and drive traffic. Can you help?
- Do you have a call script to FSBO’s Expired’s, and Short Sales?
- Teach me what you know about WordPress and how to use it. What are plugins?
Do any of these questions sound like something you or a Realtor you know would say? If you could get the answers to these questions from your Title Company would that be of value to you? Check out this video:
Stewart Title 2.0
Realtors in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area have not been exposed to these kinds of services and solutions by their Title Company. The good news for you is that NOW you have! When you have a Real Estate Marketing need, help with any facet of your business to not only gain exposure but remain top of mind with your sphere or marketing area we have you covered. Oh…did I mention that we also have staff with over 20 years of Title Insurance experience that can answer ANY questions you have with residential or commercial real estate transactions as it relates to Title Insurance and procedures. This is not the future of Title Insurance Companies…this is the present!
Want to Talk About Switching to Stewart Title?
If you are reading this and thinking that your Title Company is just “taking your contracts” but not teaching, or helping you grow to do MORE business I would take a hard look at that relationship going forward. If that company is bringing you candy, food, magnets, coffee cups and other title company marketing gimmicks…toss them because they are not helpful to your business. The good news is that I cost nothing to meet with and will help you better your current business model AND offer solutions to when necessary to improve it. Just take a moment and fill out the form below and tell me how I can help you.
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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