Ahh…blog post #100 on DCTitleGuy. Where has the time gone? Did this blog post title catch your attention? I hope it did…because it is true. Let’s back up. In June of 2012 I moved to Washington DC from Phoenix, AZ and continued my journey as a Title Sales Rep. When I moved here I didn’t know many people and had ZERO clients…None. I wanted to take the opportunity to “brand myself” now that I was in a new area of the country with a fresh start. I came up with DCTitleGuy as a brand name and had this self hosted WordPress Website built. Once it was built I was off and running with a very small knowledge of WordPress and how to best use it. I got to blog #35 or so before I realized that I wasn’t optimizing my content correctly. That stunk…cause I had to go back and “fix” everything and that took awhile. The first few months I was getting 25 people or so on my site a month. That then went to about 50 people a month. That number was consistent for a bit then I figured out other ways to drive traffic to my site and get more eyes…new eyes to me…my Value. In the month of December I had over 5000 people to this site. They were people from not only the Northern VA/DC area but the entire United States and even other countries. I increased my website traffic 100 times over. Here is how I did it…and so can you:
I Figured out HOW to Write…the Right way.
Blogging isn’t writing from brain to keyboard, it is beginning with the end in mind and having a plan of WHO is the audience you are trying to reach. Set up your keywords and use them in your blog. These are important because you need to think of these “keywords” as words your ideal client would put into the Google, Yahoo, or Bing search box. There are several WordPress Plugins for SEO that will help you with this. So when writing your blog posts you need to write strategically, and find ways to work in your key words. If you make your box smaller and target specific groups of people, Buyers, Sellers, Short Sales, Arlington, South Riding, Luxury, 1st time homebuyer, etc. they will find you as they search online. That is one way that I increased my website traffic big time.
Turned On the Camera
About 5 months ago I bought a nice camera (Canon Powershot SX40) and started putting videos in pretty much every blog. Why you ask? Once I shot the video I uploaded it to YouTube which has 60% of the web traffic on the internet. I then created a link back to my website from YouTube (another arrow). Now those videos are on YouTube forever unless I take them down. Many people won’t read all of this and I know that, so I shoot videos so YOU can see, hear, and get into the mode of knowing and liking me. That way you have a face and personality to this blog and you still get the same message. When people like you and what you represent, they will subscribe, opt-in, follow, and whatever else to keep getting your message. You will see a ton of increased website traffic from doing this.
Leveraged Social Media
Notice I said “leveraged?” Yes, we know that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + is not where people go for a Real Estate or Marketing/Title need. But…that is where many other people or people you are trying to get business from hangout everyday. That means you need to be there. The issue is you can’t and should not SELL or try to convey your entire value message in that space. The Social Media platforms are a conduit to get those people to your website/blog/videos. Since I had my Content Marketing Strategy down first, I simply had to keep posting that content and information to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + to touch and reach ALL of those other people and direct them back to my site. Doing so greatly increased my website traffic.
I Post Content Consistently
This is a big one. I’m busy too. I don’t have time to create blogs and videos all day either. I do know that doing so is a big part of my business model and it is important. I do my best to at least create 1 if not 2 new blogs a week…every week. What that does is keep my website relevant to not only the people that are subscribers or check in on it every once in a while, but also relevant to Google so it ranks my content so people can find me. Wouldn’t it be good if you didn’t have to “pay” Google to be at the top…you were just there on your own? I also do a lot of reading and follow other top people and learn how they have grown their businesses and following. Everyone learns from someone else.
Need a New Title Company Partner?
Based on the above information, other 99 blogs I have on this site with a ton of FREE information to help you, the Real Estate agent and Mortgage Lender grow their business…would you agree that there is more value than you are currently getting at XYZ Title Company? If you think that answer is YES…do me a favor and call me at 480-203-6452, email me at wvander@stewart.com or simply fill out the form below and tell me how I can help you! Looking forward to another 100 blogs!
Be sure to Follow me on Twitter @dctitleguy and Subscribe to my Blog in the Top Right hand corner.
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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