Do you have a website and looking to grow your real estate blog subscriber’s number? First, before we get into HOW to grow this number, we need to understand WHY. Realtors spend lots of money trying to get their marketing messages out to their target audience. A real estate blog is a great way to send out information and marketing messages to a large audience through the desired way people seek information…the internet. Do you currently subscribe to a local newspaper or magazine? Why? Because you enjoy reading the content inside of the newspaper/magazine. You probably look forward to the newest edition coming in the mail. Am I right? The same goes for your real estate blog subscribers. There is a reason why they subscribed to your blog…they enjoy your content…so keep it coming! But, HOW do you grow your real estate blog subscribers number?
Have a Blog and Be Consistent
Seems elementary, but recognize that this is 2015. People seek information online. Look at your own behavior, you probably do as well. Having a functioning presence online that provides helpful information to your clients, past clients, prospects, and target demographic is important. Be consistent with the content you create. You wouldn’t read that magazine very much if the subscription came out once every other month right? If you are gaining viewership and subscribers, they are expecting you to keep the good stuff coming. Create a top 10-15 list of blog ideas that your target audience would find beneficial and start creating content. Your subscribers number won’t jump up right away, it takes time so don’t get discouraged. Just keep posting good content your target audience desires and syndicate it out through social media outlets, email blasts, and more.
Make Subscribing Easy!
There is an easy way for people who visit your website to subscribe to your blog/content. I personally use Feed burner through Google. Feed burner is excellent because it tracks your blog subscribers and you can export their information into a csv file. They then will be added to your email list for market information, your listings, and other real estate updates. It is serving two purposes here. They are now subscribed to not only your blog, but also part of your target email list. Having an easy way to opt-in is a great way to increase your real estate blog subscribers list.
You Have to Ask!
Don’t ask…Don’t get. Ever heard that? This is true when it comes to adding your real estate blog subscribers. When posting blogs to social media accounts, or emailing them out to a client list, it is important you ASK for people to subscribe. If you are shooting a video for your YouTube channel, you can still add a great call to action telling people who you have a blog on your real estate website and they should check it out and Subscribe! Having multiple places to post content and ask for subscribers is very important. Otherwise, people are going to read your blog and then move on. The goal is to keep them close to you by having them subscribe for your updates. This way you are always top of mind and seen as the thought leader in your area. This leads to a faster conversion of clients and the phone ringing!
What Wade says:
I meet with a lot of Realtors who have blogs, yet their viewership is low. Why? They can’t get the necessary eyes to their content, and they lack calls to action to gain subscribers. If you follow the steps I have provided above and you are consistent, your blog subscriber numbers should grow. If you are not getting the support and help you need from your current title company relationship, give Stewart Title a try. We help our clients with all facets of their real estate business! Take a moment and fill out the form below and I will do my best to aid, even if you are not located in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area.
Take a moment and Subscribe to my blog and YouTube Channel in the top right hand corner !
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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