We all have a reputation. Our reputation defines us…defines our business. You have a good reputation in Real Estate it can mean that others want to work with you, for some reason you don’t, it can mean bad things going forward. So how do we Really know if we have a good reputation online? We know that over 90% of consumers go online to start their home buying search. They also go online for pretty much everything else they wish to purchase or thinking about purchasing an item. But…before they decide to go to a certain restaurant, buy a car, home, or go see a new movie, consumers want to look up reviews to see what others are saying about the product or person…and WHY they should use them. When it comes to the Internet there are really no barriers to entry. Anyone can go on Yelp, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and write a review about someone or something. This can be and should be scary if you a Real Estate agent or Mortgage Lender…but there are steps you can take to protect your Real Estate brand and reputation where consumers go to look for your services…Online.
Be True to your Word
Back before the internet and social media were a the norm people’s reputation and brand was mostly shared by word of mouth. People had a bad experience, they told others and they told others, but in the end the total amount of people that actually got that message was small. Today, that amount is x1000 or x10,000. If a consumer had a bad mortgage or home buying/selling experience they can go to Facebook, Twitter, website, blog, YouTube and tell the world...literally the world. You, as a Real Estate agent or Mortgage Lender have to do all you can to protect and ensure your brand/reputation is not damaged. Do people believe Everything they read on the Internet?? Yeah…they do. Here are steps to take to ensure you are still in good standing and can protect your Real Estate brand:
Set up Google Alerts
Did you know you can have Google send you messages anytime your name or brand is mentioned on the Internet? You can…through Google Alerts. Login to Google (Gmail Account) and click the top button. Scroll all the way down till you see “Even More.” Click on that and at the bottom of that page it will say “Alerts.” Click on that and type in the words you want to be alerted too. So I can set up “DCTitleGuy” “Stewart Title and Escrow” “Wade Vander Molen.” You can use any words and Google will send you an email letting you know when you are mentioned. This is HUGE to protect your Real Estate brand and reputation online. You can also use it to monitor your listings or a certain area where someone is looking for a home. If you are not using Google Alerts…set it up. Its free and it will help you monitor your brand.
As the Director of Sales and Marketing for Stewart Title I meet with loan officers and Realtors everyday. I always ask them if they have Client Testimonials on their website. Most of them do not…or the ones that do they are just written and no video. Remember when I said that people believe what they read online? Get as many testimonials about the GOOD experiences clients have had with you and have them say WHY they used your services and WHY someone else should too. If you can get a 30 second video testimonial that is even better. Typically your clients are willing to do anything after a closing they are so happy and excited…that is a great time to pull out your iPhone or Flip Camera. People love and watch video remember…and it shortens your sales cycle.
Minimize any Damage
You aren’t always going to be able to stop someone from saying something negative about you or your brand. It happens to everyone at some point in time. I once had a friend who wrote a negative review on a body shop’s Facebook page because he indeed did have a bad experience. So what did the body shop do? Did they own up to his bad experience? No…they removed it and blocked him from their Facebook page. When that happened he told EVERYONE on his Facebook and Twitter over and over about what happened and to never go to that body shop again. So instead of just losing my friend as a customer for life it probably cost them 500 customers for life. Not a good idea.
Instead, own up to your mistakes (if it truly was a bad experience) and do what you can to make things right. People respect you more when you own up to your mistakes rather than try to cover it up. In today’s world instead of your mistake reaching 50 people it can now reach 50,000 people. Your brand and reputation are important in the Real Estate and Mortgage space. Your business is WAY too competitive so its important to protect your Real Estate brand and reputation where consumers look for information about what you do…Online.
I can Help you Protect your Real Estate Brand
I work with Realtors and Lenders just like you helping them grow their business. Need help with leads, online leads, getting found online, using technology to your advantage? Lets chat…fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly.
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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