In the last 60 days since moving to the Washington DC/Northern Virginia area I have met with over 50 Realtors and Lenders. Each person is in a different phase of their Real Estate career and have different levels of knowledge. Each Realtor and Lender also have different needs as it applies to their Real Estate marketing. Thus far I have seen Realtors and Lenders that have specific systems in place and others that are totally lost and need help. In the spirit of the London Olympics I think if would be good for you to look at your business model as it pertains to gaining new clients, staying in contact with past clients, and getting more eyeballs to your listings and website to ask yourself…if I was in the Olympics for Real Estate Marketing, would I make it up to the medal podium? Read below and ask yourself…am I doing these things? Do I need to make any changes to my Real Estate marketing? Would a I respond to my own marketing strategies?
Are You Marketing to the Future?
First off marketing in Real Estate is not an easy thing…it can be very hard. The technology aspect of it can be confusing and most people didn’t go to school in website design or is an SEO specialist. So what do most Realtors do? They do what they know how to do and what has been done for many years. OUTBOUND MARKETING! Out bound marketing is marketing to the future. You send out flyer’s, postcards, newsletters, pens, pads of paper, fly swatters, and other do dads that you might think has a lot of value (which doesn’t) and would cause a consumer to work with you. You then hope the consumer keeps the marketing piece and then remembers you in the future when they have that specific need. I hate to break it to you but most of that stuff in 2012 is a waste of your marketing dollars. Newsletters can be somewhat effective but recommended to be sent to your past clients or sphere only…not to people you don’t know. They will consider it to be crap mail and toss it. The same goes for postcards unless you have a strong Call to Action to drive the consumer to your website or blog to get more information. Not enough or exact information…the consumers moves on and you lose a potential client.
Do You Having a HUB?
Whenever I fly back to the Phoenix I fly US Airways. It is based out of Phoenix and uses it as it’s HUB so that everything comes in and out of there. The HUB for your Real Estate marketing is your website. There is no debate on this. 98% of consumers go online to begin their home buying search. They don’t go to Facebook, mailbox, Yellowpages, newspaper, or their email inbox…they DO go to Google, Yahoo, Bing, and YouTube. Places where they can get answers to their questions. Being visible or “found” by consumers looking for your services is very important. You know they are looking online anyway right? So that’s where you need to be. Your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Videos, Outbound Marketing are all things you can do but make sure you are driving these targeted consumers to your Real Estate website. My recommendation is to get a WordPress site since it is easy to update and manage yourself. Google also loves WordPress
Always Following up
It is great to do all of the things that I mentioned above, but the most important part of your Real Estate marketing is Following Up! I can honestly say that one of my attributes as a Director of Sales and Marketing at Stewart Title and Escrow is my ability to follow up over and over again with clients and prospects. Persistence pays off, whether during the sales cycle with a client or after when the deal is closed. As soon as their deal closes get a testimonial either written or video and add them to your website as “social proof” for consumers to see and read. Keep in touch with these people on a consistent basis to remain “top of mind” or else they will forget you and when they need to refer an agent or buy/sell in the future they will not use you. Real Estate is a residual income business…make sure you capitalize on that.
These are just a few things that if implemented correctly will set you apart from your competition and we know there is a lot of competition in the Real Estate field! My name is Wade Vander Molen and I am the Director of Sales and Marketing for Stewart Title in Fairfax, VA. Is your current Title Company helping you grow your business? Are they sitting with you helping you streamline your processes and getting you found online? If they just bring the bagels you might want to consider telling them you want Value instead.
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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