Does this sound familiar? “I want to do a successful first time home buyer seminar!” Then no one shows up, or you get two people. What happened? Marketing happened…better yet, the lack of it. Your intentions were great, the presentation was full proof. You just need to get butts in seats. That is where you fell short. It’s not easy to set up and execute a successful first time home buyer seminar…but it can be done. When I talk to my clients about doing the important steps below they sometimes have push back or think they can get a good result doing just part of it. Yes, that can happen but I have seen too many upset agents and lenders when the event day came and very little showed up. Here are what I feel are the key steps to getting qualified sign ups and attendees.
Identifying Attendees–Old School
This involves marketing to people who are currently renting, living at home, leaving college and can purchase a starter condo, etc. How do you do this? There are data programs available (for a cost) where you can purchase lists of renters. This is a good start. They are usually sectioned by zip code and FICO score. Super important. If you don’t want to go this route, identifying apartment complexes and blanketing them with mailers or door-hangers. This can be tough, because in many instances the complex will kick you out if they see someone handing out-door hangers.
Make calls/emails to your database and invite them to the event, and ask them to pass the invite along to their own sphere. Use your warm relationships.
Identifying Attendees–New School
Promo Class Video-This is 2017. Talking to people the way they communicate is important. When someone does decide to sign up and attend the seminar, you want them as ready to go as possible. Spend some money (if needed) and shoot a video about the seminar, what the person is going to learn, who you are, and why they should attend. When they go to a landing page and sign up, they can see and listen to you. Just like this:
This is a promo video I shot before I did a teaching event for a Realtor Association back in February.
Eventbrite or Website Landing Page-Create a way for the potential attendees to sign up that is not solely reliant on them emailing or calling you. Yes, you will get sign ups from calls and emails, but far more if you create a way where they don’t have to talk to you. Put the promo video on the landing page if you can.
Facebook Ads- This is where many people spend their time. How many times in a given day do you check your Facebook? I would recommend running several ads in different locations. It’s the same ad, but run it in different geographic areas. Target the ad by age, income, and location. Spend some money. $50-$100. Drive the ad to the website landing page for people to sign-up.
Instagram- Use Instagram’s 1 min video feature and invite your followers and post it a few times over the course of a week. In your IG profile, insert the landing page web link to sign up. Post this also to Twitter as IG gives that option. Maximize reach.
Create an Incentive to Attend
Yes, your amazing information is enough reason to attend right? Yes and No. Create an incentive to have people attend. Remember, that not everyone who shows up is ready to buy a home tomorrow. Many might be 6+ months out. These can be tickets to an event, drawing for something technology related, or whatever is appropriate. Having the event at a neutral site is important as well but not a necessity. Make the venue easy to find and allow for parking. This is a key part of a successful first time home buyer seminar.
Need a NEW Title Partner?
Now that you have read the key steps to get attendees to your great first time home buyer presentation, you might need vendor sponsors and presenters. Myself and Stewart Title would like to assist!
I work with Realtors and Lenders everyday helping them to gain an edge on their competition. Providing solutions and getting them in front of more qualified eyes either offline or online is important. If you need assistance setting up a successful first time home buyer seminar, take a moment and fill out that form below or email me at We would love to work with you!
Work With Wade
Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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