Are you looking at revamping your Real Estate website? You might be thinking “No…why would I?” Well lets start with a few questions. What platform are you using for your site? How many people a month do you get to your site? Do you pay a monthly fee? Where do you rank on Google for your content? Do you have any good content? Is your IDX and “indexable IDX “or no? Is this a company site or do you own it? Have your converted any online leads from you site to a paying customer?
You see…all valid questions you should be asking yourself right about now. If you can’t answer most of these questions then it might be time for revamping your Real Estate website. The big mistake that Realtors make is they confuse aesthetics and functionality when it comes to their website. Just because your website “looks nice” has no bearing whatsoever on if it is a “good website.” It’s kind of like having a gorgeous car in your driveway but it doesn’t have any gas in it or an engine to make it go. So here are some tips if you are considering revamping your Real Estate website.
Get the right Platform
The first step to revamping your Real Estate website is to have it built on the right platform…WORDPRESS! Give the template company site or pay per month site a kick to the curb and get a self hosted WordPress website. Why? Well, it’s no secret that Google Loves WordPress and it is the platform of choice for any serious content creator who wants to get “found online” by their ideal client. WordPress is also very easy to use and will allow your website to be very functional, on top of having multiple SEO Plugins and more you can install that will allow you to be visible to the search engines. Having a website that you OWN and have full control over is very important as a Real Estate Agent. You are self-employed…treat your business that way.
Get this kind of IDX Plugin
Most Real Estate websites have an IDX plugin…where consumers can search for homes just like a Realtor does. Not all IDX’s are created the same. Most stink…plain and simple. When consumers get frustrated trying to navigate your IDX it will quickly push them off your website. That is bad. There is one kind of IDX out there called an “Indexable IDX.” What this means is that when the listings on your local MLS come over in the RSS feed to your website it creates a single page of content for every listing. So if there are 20,000 listings in your area there will now be an additional 20,000 pages of content on your website. Content is KING on the Internet…this IDX will put your site on steroids. Check out the photo of an example of how it would look:
As you can see I just took a snapshot of a few listings but there are several thousand pages of content on this agent’s site with each listing. More than likely your website IDX doesn’t do this and definitely the company website you have does NOT do this. When you are revamping your Real Estate website…this feature is a MUST in my opinion. Yes, it costs more…but well worth it.
Create Arrows…Use Video
When I say “create arrows” I mean have multiple ways to get the consumer who is now on your website to do something…anything. When revamping your Real Estate website it is a important of have ways for the consumer to subscribe, fill out forms, get a free home evaluation, See this Home, Get Pre-Qualified, Watch Videos, and more. The purpose of the website is to not only educate and shorten your sales cycle but to get the consumer on your site to contact you, or at least follow, subscribe, or opt-in. WordPress also supports video very well and as I always say…Video is the best way to convey a message to an audience…check it out:
Need Help with your Real Estate Website?
If you are a Real Estate agent or Mortgage Lender in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area and need help revamping your Real Estate website, using WordPress, Video, or anything else take a moment and fill out the form below and I will contact you right away.
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