Ugh! Another social network that I have to learn and use? Yes, except Snapchat is not like other social networks. Snapchat is a video and picture application that allows you to send messages that last from 1-10 seconds to your followers. These messages are called “Snaps.” These video and picture messages don’t stick around though, because once the message exceeds the 10 second (or less) limit, it disappears. This “disappear” feature helps to keep your followers attention, knowing what they are seeing is about to be gone…forever. You can also text message your followers through the application and do face-time videos! Snapchat has a higher engagement rate than ANY other social network on the planet. Technology is here to stay and Realtors should use Snapchat in their marketing strategy to stay in front of clients in the best medium possible…video. It will also keep you relevant with clients and gain business.
Snapchat = Engagement
Up until now, most social networks needed a lot of “friends” or “followers” to make a big difference in engagement. Maybe someone liked or commented on a post, maybe they didn’t. With Snapchat, we are seeing up to an 90% engagement rate. Meaning that the “snap” was opened, watched and replied. No other social network on the planet has that statistic behind them. This also means that due to the high engagement rate, that you don’t need 300,400, 1000 “friends or followers.” Imagine if 50 of your closest friends, clients, sphere, and referral sources engaged on your social posts 90% of the time? Wow! Engagement is everything in the social media/online arena. This is a huge reason why Realtors should use Snapchat in their business.
How to use Snapchat in Real Estate
You may be wondering, how can I use it to gain real estate business? In a society where we want everything on demand and in a preferred medium of video, Snapchat has these things. It allows you to create an endless amount of 10 second video/picture blogs to your followers…for free. Open Houses, New Listings, at Settlement, Testimonials, Promoting an event, giving market information, etc. Putting yourself in the videos and talking is huge. If you screw up…just delete and do it again. No pressure. Add links to your website or something else to drive traffic. The Snapchat topics are endless. It also keeps you “top of mind” with your followers who you know are watching your videos and pictures. I personally send out Snaps to my followers when I am going to be teaching a class, I post a blog or video on my website (like this) and more. I KNOW my followers (Realtors and Lenders) are seeing it.
Snap-Stories–Your Friend
One of the best features of Snapchat is the Snap Story (My Story). When you send out a Snap picture or video to people it disappears in 10 seconds or less. The Snap story allows it to be seen for 24 hours. The cool part, is you can designate WHO of your followers sees it and who doesn’t. Start thinking about clients, referral sources, etc. It isn’t unusual to have 10 or more–10 second videos in your story strung together. For instance, you are showing a property so you have several 10 second videos in a row, but also want people to see the video for 24 hours. Again, think “running 10 second video blogs.”
It’s easy to Snap a 1 off picture or video and send it to specific people, but if you want more people to see it and last 24 hours, hit the “my story” button after creating a Snap video or picture. As a free application with so much potential to engage with clients and prospects, it is a big reason why Realtors should use Snapchat in their marketing strategy. Remember, it is important to market to your target audience the way they prefer.
Who is Using Snapchat?
Snapchat is growing very fast. Many companies and businesses use Snapchat as a marketing platform. Again, the high open rate and engagement is an advertiser’s dream. There are many people who have leveraged this application to develop a huge following. Yes, it is fun to follow friends but it is also a way to keep up and learn from others. I personally have connected with clients and friends, but I also follow marketing masters, such as Amy Schmittauer (username: schmittastic) and Gary Vaynerchuck (username: garyvee). It is a great way to learn new marketing strategies, tips or just have fun and see what they are doing.
How Do I Get on Snapchat?
Easy. Go to the application store and find it under “Snapchat.” Download the application and create an account. Choose a username (be unique) and allow it to connect to your contacts. The app will tell of your contacts who has a Snapchat account. Add them and they will add you back. Start sending Snaps! Another way is to email your clients or post on Facebook/Instagram that you are on SnapChat and for people to add you. It may be helpful to take a picture of your account (below) to make it easier. Develop a following and start creating engagement. Just like with any other social network, it will take time to develop your following and gain traction. Use the application and over time you will see a great result! Realtors always ask for more engagement and a way to stay close to their clients. Well…here you go!
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Also…add me on Snapchat-username: wadev1045
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