It is without debate that video in real estate is here to stay. It is the “new kid on the block” for real estate marketing and agents are jumping on board. Some faster than others, but as I make my way around Northern Virginia/Washington DC more of the questions I’m receiving center around video. How do I set up my YouTube Channel? What camera should I use? How often should I do videos? What topics should I be discussing in my videos? The list goes on and on. Getting consumers and prospects to your YouTube channel is important, but does the amount of YouTube Subscribers you have matter? More is better right? Let’s talk about it.
Quality over Quantity
First let me say, if you have 1000 people or YouTube Subscribers that is a great feat! I’m sure that having a lot of subscribers can and will lead to business, but having more people isn’t necessarily better. As a real estate agent, you want to make sure you are creating the right video/online content that attracts the right people. For instance if most of your YouTube videos are about the subdivision(s) you farm, hopefully many of your YouTube subscribers are people looking to either buy/sell real estate OR be people who live in or near that subdivision. Someone who randomly finds your channel and subscribes could be possible business down the road, but the likely-hood is less than someone directly interested in the video content you created.
Focused Video Content
Similar to sending out direct mail to a farm area, make sure you are sending a targeted message to a targeted client. You don’t want to send a generic message to a vast audience. It is not about “how many” postcards you send, it is WHO you are sending WHAT message to. Video is the same way. Having 60 YouTube subscribers of your target audience viewer is more important that 250 subscribers, but people who aren’t going to act and use your services when buying/selling. When you have a specific video strategy with a targeted message for your Real Estate Farm, Buyers, Sellers, Luxury, Property Videos, Market Update Videos, and more, the videos are created with an end viewer in mind. Once you have established your end viewer, keep targeting them with educational video information and ask them to subscribe.
Watch the Video!
Gaining YouTube Subscribers
Gaining the “right” subscribers to your channel is important because hitting your intended target audience is the most important thing. Here are some keys to gaining subscribers to your channel:
- In EVERY video have calls to action for people to “subscribe” to your channel for more relevant real estate information.
- Post your videos to your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and more.
- When sending out direct mail to your Farm area or sphere, have the YouTube logo on your postcard/newsletter letting that audience know you have a channel with real estate information.
- Offer an “item of value” if they subscribe. “Make sure you subscribe to my channel more real estate information! If you subscribe you will receive my FREE guide to home-ownership!
Need Help Exposing your Real Estate Business through Video?
If so, you are not alone. Currently only 2% of real estate agents use video in their business. That is the exact reason why you should start now! Learn a new “preferred” method of marketing to consumers, and keep in mind that YouTube is a FREE medium. If you don’t know where to start or want more information fill out the form below and tell me what you need.
At Stewart Title, we help our clients grow their business! There is no other company in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area that does what we do!
SUBSCRIBE to my Channel in the top right hand corner for more Real Estate Marketing and Technology Information!
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Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"
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