You know what gets really old and frustrating?  Meeting someone in a business situation and having to explain to them “what” you do and “why” they should work with you (your entire value proposition).  It’s kind of like dating, where you meet someone and have to tell him or her where are from, where you went to school, what you like, and don’t like.  After a while it gets really old.  You wish these business prospects or “dates” just knew this information in advance so when you finally meet you can just get to the good part…doing business and making money.  The good news is, you can set it up so your prospects get to meet and learn all about you before you meet them.  They are “website introduction videos.”  If you notice these are not prominent…meaning that most Realtors or Lenders don’t have them.  Let’s talk about website introduction videos and how they can help you in your Real Estate business.

Do your Prospects a Favor

Do them a BIG favor and let them get to know you up front.  Let your prospects know WHO you are and WHAT you are about.  The main goal is to get your ideal client and prospects onto your website and to keep them there.  Then, you want them to contact you to do business.  These website introduction videos will do just that.  Another reason you should consider adding a video to the front of your website is because your competitors don’t!  What a great way to gain an advantage over other Realtors.  These videos don’t have to be professionally done either.  I do pay a company a fee to create my website introduction videos but it is not expensive.  Having a good camera or webcam and doing it yourself can do the trick as well.  Remember, these videos last forever!  They can sell for you 24/7 and can lead to business today and years from now.  Here is an example:

DCTitleGuy’s Website Intro Video July 2014

What Are Website Introduction Videos?

If you watched my video above you can see that it isn’t overly long.   Having a video that ventures into the 3 minute mark is too long in my opinion.  People don’t have long attention spans so they will not watch them till the end.  I like to start my website introduction videos by asking a question that I know the person on the other end wants to know the answer to.  “Are you looking to buy or sell your home? “Have you been considering making a Real Estate move?” These questions get mentally answered.  Then, tell the audience who you are, why they should click through your website, and what it is they will find.   Then of course you need a strong call to action so people either call, email, fill out a form, or follow you on a social media site.  Your end goal is to meet them face to face and do business.

If you need a good referral to get a nice green screen video like mine, you can go to and they will take good care of you!

Need a Good Title Company Partner to Help?

Good!  You have come to the right place.  Not only is Stewart Title on the Forbes List for Top 50 Most Trustworthy Companies, but we help our clients with all facets of their Real Estate marketing and business.  Fill out the form below and I will help you every step of the way!

Work With Wade

Interested in growing your real estate business with Pruitt Title? Please fill out the form below and I will contact you shortly. Thanks, Wade "DCTitleGuy"

    I help my clients with all facets of their real estate/mortgage business on behalf of Pruitt Title in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area. Let's work together!
