Shopping to Save on Title Services – Setting the Record Straight

When I moved to the Washington DC/Northern Virginia area in June of 2012 I came across something in the Title Industry that I hadn't seen much of before.  That was "shopping to save on Title Services."  At first I was like "huh!?" You see, in Arizona where I came from the Title fees were [...]

2022-06-08T09:21:21-04:00March 17th, 2014|Comments Off on Shopping to Save on Title Services – Setting the Record Straight

How to Overcome your Fears of Using Video in Real Estate

As Real Estate, Mortgage, and Title Company professionals we are seeing marketing shifting to video more and more. Why?  Well, its the fastest and most effective way to convey a message to your target audience.  I think we can't deny that.  I would rather see a video of a house, or Realtor telling me [...]

2022-06-08T09:24:24-04:00February 25th, 2014|Comments Off on How to Overcome your Fears of Using Video in Real Estate

Why an Effective Blog Post Title Helps you get Found Online

I have meant to write about this for sometime now but my crazy job as a Title Sales Rep in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area is getting busier.  Turns out...this blog/video/website stuff works...and well.  So in today's blog I want to talk about one of the main, core reasons the content you put out [...]

2022-06-08T09:24:41-04:00October 23rd, 2013|Comments Off on Why an Effective Blog Post Title Helps you get Found Online

Vlogging in Real Estate – How to Get Started 101

Huh?  What is "Vlogging?"  It is something you are going to be doing in your Real Estate marketing very just don't know it.  Vlogging in Real Estate is becoming more and more popular because many people don't like to spend a long time writing blogs.  Writing a 700-1200 word blog does take some time [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:13-04:00August 23rd, 2013|Comments Off on Vlogging in Real Estate – How to Get Started 101

The Title Company Marketing Rep Gimmick – Why it Doesn’t Help You!

The Title Company Marketing Rep Gimmick has been around for a very long time.  You know what that is right?  Its the pens, pads, sports schedules, coffee mugs, key chains, calendar, flashlight, flyswatter, and anything else that has the name of the Title Company and is essentially a big "leave behind" by the Marketing [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:14-04:00August 14th, 2013|Comments Off on The Title Company Marketing Rep Gimmick – Why it Doesn’t Help You!

Rising Interest Rates-Should I Buy a Home Now?

In today's market we have seen a shift with rising interest rates. This rise has occurred over the last 30 days or so due to the Federal Govt deciding to "taper" off the bond buying program that has caused rates to remain below 4% for much of the last 12 months.  The rising interest [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:30-04:00June 12th, 2013|Comments Off on Rising Interest Rates-Should I Buy a Home Now?

How to Market your Real Estate Subdivision Without Using Postcards

As I meet with Realtors on a day to day basis as the Director of Sales/Marketing for Stewart Title in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC area I hear all kinds of comments from Realtors...almost like a "wish list" they have to be more savvy, more successful in Real Estate. They want to standout in the infamous [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:56-04:00May 1st, 2013|Comments Off on How to Market your Real Estate Subdivision Without Using Postcards

5 Rules Before Publishing your Real Estate Blog

In this age of information where we are constantly reading news, watching videos, and searching for answers to our questions on places like Google, Yahoo, and Bing it is necessary to be writing and putting out engaging content that your target audience finds valuable.  Being a Real Estate agent is hard...not easy like others believe.  [...]

2022-06-08T09:25:58-04:00April 24th, 2013|Comments Off on 5 Rules Before Publishing your Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Marketing-5 Reasons Why Realtors Don’t Get Found Online

Harsh title to this blog huh?  Sorry about that but it had to be done.  Every day I meet with Northern Virginia and Washington DC Real Estate agents and help them with their Real Estate Marketing.  All facets of their marketing not just the technology side, but in the end it always come back [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:01-04:00April 19th, 2013|Comments Off on Real Estate Marketing-5 Reasons Why Realtors Don’t Get Found Online

How to Embed Video into your WordPress Real Estate Website

If you have read any of my prior blogs you notice that I reference Video as not only the future of Real Estate marketing but it is the present.  The small percentage of Realtors that use video in their Real Estate marketing are seeing HUGE dividends.  People love watching video and more than likely [...]

2022-06-08T09:26:05-04:00April 1st, 2013|Comments Off on How to Embed Video into your WordPress Real Estate Website